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Page 196                       Walker. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2020;7:194-214  I

                                    Figure 1. Hypothesis on the involvement of microglia in neurodegeneration

               identify these cells. The fascinating history of their discovery has been reviewed by Tremblay et al. , but
               it was the use of specific antibodies in more recent times to sensitively identify microglia in human brain
               samples that re-launched this field of study. Studies by McGeer and colleagues employed an antibody to
               the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) protein human leukocyte antigen-DR to identify
               what was described as “activated” or “reactive” microglia in AD and PD brain samples [15-18] . These types
               of microglia were enhanced around AD and PD pathological structures. Similar observations were made
               by Rogers and colleagues using the same marker . Early studies highlighted recurring issues in the study
               of microglia in human autopsy tissue, namely with the antibodies used and the fixation methods of brain
               tissue samples for study . Many microglial antigens, including human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR, are
               membrane-associated glycoproteins that are sensitive to tissue fixation with cross-linking fixatives such as
               paraformaldehyde/formalin and glutaraldehyde. The most widely available tissue samples for research are
               those taken for routine pathological examination and diagnosis at autopsy and usually involve long-term
               immersion fixation and paraffin-embedding using treatment with alcohols, xylene and similar solvents.
               Many validated monoclonal antibodies to macrophage/microglia antigens will not recognize them in
               tissue fixed in this manner, though a newer generation of antibodies, particularly monoclonal antibodies
               developed in rabbits, work more effectively when combined with different antigen-retrieval techniques .
               Optimally-fixed tissue is tissue with short postmortem interval between death of donor subject and start of
               fixation, and a short period of fixation (48 h) of sliced brain coronal sections (not whole hemispheres) in
               buffered formalin/paraformaldehyde followed by preservation at 4  C or -20  C in an anti-freeze solution.
               Tissue preserved in this manner, which is then sectioned and processed for immunohistochemistry without
               paraffin embedding, has given optimal results for this investigator for detecting a number of different
               microglial proteins in situ [22,23] .

               Cell-sorting, nuclei-sorting, transcriptional profiling of inflammation and microglia
               Expression profiling methods used to address this question have evolved rapidly over the last few years
               with RNA-sequencing becoming the predominant method of identification and quantification of genes
               expressed. There are now enormous amounts of data available online for carrying out analyses using
               various statistical criteria to identify the interactions of expressed microglial genes. For a more detailed
               understanding of these analytical approaches, the review of Chew and Petretto provides an overview of the
               different analytical approaches focusing on how the identification of transcriptional networks of microglia
               in AD can give insight into disease pathogenesis . One observation by these authors was the lack of
               agreement between studies on which genes/markers should be the targets for tissue validation.

               The findings from a number of RNA sequencing experiments of batch-sorted or single cell microglia
               isolated from AD or immune-stimulated animal models or human brain tissues will be considered. The
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