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Zoghi et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2019;6:14  I               Page 11 of 14

               14/Incomplete                  RQ: NR         RQ: RP        RQ: NR           RQ: NR
                                              RTS: NR        RTS: RP       RTS: NR          RTS: NR
                                              LQ: NR         LQ: NR        LQ: NR           LQ: NR
                                              LTS: NR        LTS: RP       LTS: NR          LTS: NR
               15/Incomplete                  RQ: MLR        RQ: NR        RQ: NR           RQ: NR
                                              RTS: MLR       RTS: NR       RTS: NR          RTS: NR
                                              LQ: MLR        LQ: RP        LQ: RP           LQ: MLR
                                              LTS: NR        LTS: NR       LTS: NR          LTS: NR
               16/Complete                    RQ: NR         RQ: NR        RQ: NR           NA
                                              RTS: NR        RTS: RP       RTS: RP
                                              LQ: NR         LQ: NR        LQ: NR
                                              LTS: NR        LTS: NR       LTS: NR
               17/Complete                    RQ: RP         RQ: RP        NA               NA
                                              RTS: RP        RTS: NR
                                              LQ: MLR        LQ: MLR
                                              LTS: MLR       LTS: NR
               18/Complete                    RQ: MLR        RQ: NR        NA               RQ: NR
                                              RTS: NR        RTS: RP                        RTS: NR
                                              LQ: MLR        LQ: RP                         LQ: NR
                                              LTS: NR        LTS: NR                        LTS: NR

               MLR: multi-level response; NR: no response; RP: response present; NA: not assessed; SCI: spinal cord injury; RQ: right quadriceps; RTS:
               right triceps surae; LQ: left quadriceps; LTS: left triceps surae

               [Figure 3A]. These results show that the ISNCSCI strength assessment only provides information about
               one element for evaluating treatment efficacy properly in this population. The ISNCSCI “improvement”
               noted in the current study may be non-specific for indicating clinically useful improvement. Thus,
               neurophysiological assessments similar to BMCA can increase the resolution of assessment, enabling
               clinicians to more reliably understand changes in motor control in their patients.

               Significant functional recovery after incomplete SCI depends on the plasticity that is occurring through
               propriospinal network, intraspinal circuits and supraspinal influences through descending systems. Many
               factors can influence the effectiveness of different rehabilitation strategies in this group of patients, e.g.,
               the level of injury, onset of training and the intensity of the training (how much, how often and how
               long). To be able to understand which strategy would maximise the activity-dependent plasticity in these
               patients with significant functional recovery, it would be desirable to undertake routine neurophysiological
               assessment to collect valuable information from this population during their rehabilitation period. The
               results reported here illustrate the variability of responses between patients and highlight the importance
               of collection of larger datasets for interpretation of changes over time and in response to different
               rehabilitation strategies.

               In this study, all 10 participants who were categorised as having complete SCI showed some sub-clinical
               supraspinal influences over the muscles below the level of injury. This is in line with previous studies . It
               has been shown that a TVR response in people with clinically complete SCI can be considered as a sub-
               clinical supraspinal response so they should be classified as having discomplete SCI [2,26,27] . In the present
               study, Participants 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18 showed TVR in 1-4 targeted muscles, which indicates that
               they should be categorised as discomplete. Gillies et al.  showed that the TVR could be observed in a cat
               with SCI only if the lateral vestibulospinal and pontine reticulospinal tracts were intact. It has been argued
               that, during vibration, the sensory information is transmitted to the brainstem, the reticular formation
               and associated tracts, as well as other parts of the brain that all are involved in controlling this response .
               In the present study, Participants 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18 showed TVR in 1-4 targeted muscles.
               These subclinical responses should not be ignored as they might open a new window for exploring new
               rehabilitation techniques to improve the supraspinal influences over the muscles under the level of injury
               that these patients could benefit [3,29] .
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