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Page 4 of 18                Yelton et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:46  I

               Table 1. Characteristics of the human histone deacetylase enzymes and their similarity to yeast proteins
               HDAC enzyme class          HDAC enzymes*             Protein family  Required catalytic  Resembled yeast
                                                                                   cofactor  protein sequence
               I              HDAC1, HDAC2, HDAC3, and HDAC8      Histone deacetylase  Zn 2+  Rpd3
               II             HDAC4, HDAC5, HDAC6, HDAC7, HDAC9, and HDAC10 Histone deacetylase  Zn 2+  Hda1
               III            SIRT1, SIRT2, SIRT3, SIRT4, SIRT5, SIRT6, and SIRT7  Sir2 regulator  NAD +  Sir2
               IV             HDAC11                              Histone deacetylase  Zn 2+  Class I and II HDACs
               *HDAC enzymes have been divided into four classes based on their similarity in sequence and function to well-described yeast proteins.
               Class I enzymes include HDAC 1, 2, 3, and 8 that belong to the classical HDAC family, require a Zn  for their catalytic action, and are
               similar to the yeast protein Rpd3. Class II enzymes contain HDAC 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 that also belong to the classical HDAC family, also
               require a Zn  for their catalytic action, and are similar to the yeast protein Hda1. Class III enzymes differ most significantly from their
               HDAC counterparts, containing SIRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 that belong to the distinct Sir2 regulator family, require NAD  as an essential
               catalytic cofactor, and are similar to the yeast protein Sir2. Finally, class IV contains only HDAC11 that is also part of the classical HDAC
               family, requires a Zn  for its catalytic action as well, and most resembles the class I and II HDAC enzymes. These enzymes are numbered
               in the order in which they were discovered. HDAC: histone deacetylase; SIRT: sirtuin
               sequence similarity to a yeast protein, which is called the reduced potassium dependency 3 (Rpd3). HDAC4,
               HDAC5, HDAC6, HDAC7, HDAC9, and HDAC10 are all class II proteins with sequence similarity to the yeast
               protein histone deacetylase-A 1 (Hda1). Class I HDACs are ubiquitously expressed in all tissues while class II
               HDACs are tissue-specifically expressed . Sirtuin is a word coined from its founding member Sir2 in the
               yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), SIRT2, SIRT3, SIRT4, SIRT5, SIRT6, and SIRT7 in humans
               are all class III proteins with sequence similarity to the S. cerevisiae protein known as the Sir2. Finally,
               HDAC11 is the lone member of class IV and shares sequence similarity to both the class I and class II HDACs.
               These enzymes, for the most part, were numbered according to the order in which they were discovered.

               HDACs in classes I, II, and IV are in the superfamily of proteins known as the arginase/deacetylase
               superfamily, which contains the arginase-like amidino hydrolases and the HDACs. The HDAC enzymes
               in classes I, II, and IV belong to the classical HDAC family and require a zinc ion (Zn ) for their catalytic
               action to take place. HDACs in class III, however, belong to the deoxyhypusine synthase-like nicotinamide
               adenine dinucleotide (NAD)/flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding-domain superfamily of proteins, which
               contain the Sir2 proteins as well as many other sequence-similar enzyme families. In contrast to the
               classical HDAC family of enzymes, class III enzymes require NAD  as a cofactor for enzyme activity
               instead of a Zn 2+[27] . While there are subtle differences in the classification scheme of these enzymes, they
               play an essential functional role in maintaining the balance between histone acetylation and deacetylation.
               This balance ultimately mediates access of transcriptional machinery to the chromatin of the cell, with
               downstream consequences such as alteration in gene transcription. However, functionality of these enzymes
               is much more complicated than one HDAC per one histone (or non-histone) protein. These enzymes as a
               superfamily are biologically essential due to their opposition of the effects of HAT enzymes, where a defect
               in this balance leads to epigenetic changes in the aberrant tissue [Figure 1].

               A change in the cellular balance between HAT and HDAC enzyme activity modifies gene expression and
               translation of mRNA transcripts into protein products. However, this cellular balance is very delicate and
               has been classically shown that “minor” histone modifications can greatly influence gene transcription .
               In fact, in one genome-wide mapping study, HDACs were observed to be bound to chromatin at actively
               transcribed genes, but not silent genes . These HDACs are believed to be able to reset active chromatin,
               silencing the gene after making the desired protein product by the cell. Additionally, non-histone proteins
               are also subject to cellular changes through acetylation. Noteworthy non-histone proteins that can cause
               great cellular change include transcription factors, chaperone proteins, viral proteins, and proteins involved
               in DNA repair, recombination, and replication . These non-histone proteins have been implicated in
               essential cellular processes such as chromatin remodeling, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, autophagy, and
               actin nucleation . The HDACs have been implicated in pathology as well, where their dysregulation halts
               the repression of active genes in the cell, leading to an abnormal expression of certain protein products.
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