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Sahu et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:2  I                   Page 5 of 14

               various CNS disorders. Also, there is potential for precise anti-inflammatory drugs in future that may
               interfere with these genetic mechanisms, allowing more tailored therapeutics.

               Modulation of expression profiles of autophagic genes in response to infection
               Listeria Monocytogenes is an intracellular Gram positive bacterium which can cause gastroenteritis. Upon its
               hematogenous dissemination it can breach BBB and thus cause meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and brain
               abscesses. An experiment using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) arrays containing 84 genes
               to analyse the expression profiles of autophagic genes in response to L. monocytogenes infection were carried
               out in rat brains. It was shown that 7 out of 84 genes were clearly modified with TNF, which functions to
               limit brain damage, being the most highly up-regulated gene after infection . The expression of chemokine
               (C-X-C motif) receptor 4, and the insulin-like growth factor 1 that act as co-regulators of autophagy pathway,
               were down-regulated. Only the expression of core autophagy gene ATG12 was modulated by infection.

               During primary infection, intracellular L. monocytogenes along with infected host cells are usually targeted
               for degradation by autophagy. Once entering human body, L. monocytogenes are endocytosed into a vacuole,
               and listeriolysin O (LLO) is secreted to perforate the vacuole membrane, and subsequently gain access into
               the host cell cytosol. Subsequently, the product of the actA gene induces the polymerization of host actin,
               which eventually forms a tail, propelling bacterial movement within host cytosol for cell-to-cell spread. In this
               study of utilizing wild-type L. monocytogenes to infect mouse embryonic fibroblast cells, it is demonstrated
               that induction of protective autophagy pathway depends on expression of LLO, suggesting that vacuole
               permeabilization is a prerequisite for autophagy. On top of that, a mutant L. monocytogenes strain deficient
               of bacterial phospholipase production, has been degraded due to autophagy. It suggests that phospholipases
               plays a role in evasion of autophagy. Hence, it is hypothesized that the therapeutic target of actA as well
               as genes coding for phospholipases, might enhance autophagy, resulting in eradication of intracellular L.
               monocytogenes. Thus, identification of genes modulated upon infection in brain cells, as well as the mechanism
               of resulting autophagy, may confer a new strategy for therapeutic intervention in infectious disease [39-41] .

               Pathogen adaptations to host cell autophagy
               Infectious agents which successfully parasitize their target cells have evolved to develop multiple strategies
               to dampen autophagy-dependent activation of host immune responses. So far, the types of identified
               microbial adaptation mechanisms can be broadly classified as strategies to: (1) prevent autophagy induction;
               (2) avoid pathogen recognition by the autophagic machinery; (3) prevent the autophagosome maturation
               into autolysosome; and (4) utilize components or functions of the autophagic mechanism to facilitate
               intracellular survival, multiplication, and release of intracellular microbes out of the infected cell .

               Herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) are able to inhibit autophagy in neurons, and subsequently confer neuro-
               virulence by three main mechanisms, including the blockage of autophagy-stimulatory protein kinase
               resource (PKR) signaling, blockage of Beclin-1, or via the activation of mTOR signaling. In HSV-1, the
               utilization of a single viral virulence protein ICP34.5 to block the Beclin-1 dependent autophagy has been
               shown to be essential for HSV-1 encephalitis . Of interest, it has been suggested that the inefficient fusion
               between lysosomes and  autophagosomes in HSV-infected cells is caused  by oxidative stress, which  is
               reported to be associated with neurodegeneration .
               Coxsackievirus has been shown to utilize autophagosomes for replication, in which it limits autophagosome
               and lysosome fusion by increasing light chain 3 (LC3) cleavage. It has been hypothesized that this is achieved
               by increasing a protein-activated signaling cascade, known as the calpain-dependent pathway .

               A proposed mechanism of L. monocytogenes meningitis is that this intracellular pathogen camouflages and
               avoids recognition, subsequently rapidly replicating in the host cytosol by assembling host cell proteins to
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