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Page 4 of 14                    Sahu et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:2  I

               Previously,  studies  on  autophagy  have  been  focused  on  its  occurrences  and  association  with  nutrient
               deprivation, as well as age-associated issues. However, recently, there has been a significant increase in
               studies focusing on immunological functions of autophagy . In the context of infection, immunity, and
               neurodegeneration, autophagy seems to have a pivotal role in neuronal homeostasis . Its dysfunction
               has been linked to several neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s
               diseases. As the first line of defense in brain, the autophagic pathway is known to be involved in both
               physiological and pathological processes. However, its immunological role in the CNS environment is not
               yet clearly studied.

               Interplay between inhibitory cytokines and the autophagy process has recently been reported, which
               reveals a novel mechanism by which autophagy could control the immune response. Interactions between
               autophagy and the regulatory cytokines IL-10, transforming growth factor-β, and IL-27 are evident from
               earlier studies . IL-37 and IL-35 are two newly discovered anti-inflammatory cytokines. IL-37 inhibits
               the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to inflammation . IL-35 suppresses T cell
               proliferation predominantly, and thereby inhibits its effector functions . The possible interactions between
               above two  anti-inflammatory cytokines,  and autophagy have also been  recently .  However,  no such
               interaction in the context of the CNS environment is discussed in literature.

               Accumulating evidence demonstrates that autophagy plays a protective role against infectious diseases by
               diminishing intracellular pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The following section will
               summarize the interplay between autophagy induction and infection due to various microbial agents.

               Several  intracellular  bacterial  agents,  such  as  Anaplasma phagocytophilum,  Brucella abortus,  Coxiella
               burnetii, Legionella pneumophila, and Staphylococcus aureus, have the potential to alter the autophagic
               pathway to their own advantage . These bacterial agents might stimulate their uptake and internalization
               into autophagosomes by secretion of special effector molecules . Moreover, these pathogens seem
               to be efficiently grown within auto-phagosome compartments. Additionally, survival of some of these
               microorganisms is experimentally inhibited by using some autophagy inhibitors, and even their survival is
               compromised when grown within cells of deficient or defective ATG5 gene [35,36] .

               Some  studies  have  reported  that  some  pathogenic  bacteria  also  have  ability  to  manipulate  autophagy
               regulation processes at gene transcription level. For instance, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia enterocolitica,
               and Burkholderia cenocepacia can down-regulate the transcription of important autophagy-related (ATG)
               genes. Thus, they reduce the activity of autophagy at cellular level during infection. Conversely some
               pathogens up-regulate autophagy at gene level, which could augment inflammation at the site of infection.
               As previously discussed, prolonged inflammation could result in further injury to surrounding body tissues.
               In addition, the autophagic pathway is known to be exploited by RNA viruses (e.g. mouse hepatitis virus,
               rhinovirus and poliovirus), for promoting RNA replication with membrane scaffold . In this review, the
               interactions between different CNS intracellular pathogens and autophagic genes, along with the resulting
               autophagic and inflammatory processes are being studied.

               The presence of pathogenic antigens can induce autophagic genes through a stratified array of principal
               immunological processes, and therefore result in augmented autophagy and inflammation at the site of
               infection, which limits bacterial proliferation. However, as mentioned above, excessive autophagy and
               inflammatory process do put surrounding healthy brain tissue at risk.

               A detailed understanding of molecular mechanisms in neuroinflammatory and neural cell death/autophagy
               dysfunction pathways might identify interesting targets for drug-discovery and biomarker identification in
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