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Topic: Neuroimmunology and Cancer

           Targeting glioblastoma with oncolytic adenovirus

           delta 24

           Konstantinos I. Tsamis, George A. Alexiou, Athanassios P. Kyritsis
           Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Ioannina, 45500 Ioannina, Greece.

           ONCOLYTIC VIRUSES                                  the modulation of vessel permeability for viruses  and
                                                              degradation of extracellular matrix. [12]
           Oncolytic  viruses have  been  introduced in cancer
           treatment in the last two decades, offering new    DEVELOPMENT OF ONCOLYTIC ADENOVIRUS
           opportunities and hopes for ultimate therapy. Earlier   DELTA 24
           studies had also tried to take advantage of the
           antineoplastic activity of natural viral species, but   Among tens or even hundreds of different viruses that
           it was genetic engineering that led to the production   have been used to produce oncolytic viral vectors with
           of modified viral strains selectively infecting and   different genetic manipulations, oncolytic adenovirus
           killing neoplastic cells.  The two major characteristics   delta 24 (Ad-Δ24) stands out due to its high specificity
           of oncolytic viruses are their tropism for malignant   and toxicity for malignant cells accomplished with
           cells and their augmented cytotoxicity. The strategies   simple genetic engineering. Ad-Δ24 is a mutant
           employed to achieve oncotropism involve mainly     replication-competent adenovirus containing a 24 base
           genetic manipulation of viral vectors in order to   pair deletion in early region 1A gene (E1A), expressing
           either turn them against cells expressing specific   a mutant E1A protein which cannot form complex with
           surface markers or make them capable to multiply   the retinoblastoma protein  (Rb). [13,14]  Thus Ad-Δ24,
           only using the machinery of malignant cells.  Despite   unlike wild-type adenovirus, is unable to force the
           the capability of specifically targeting neoplastic   progression of infected normal cells in S phase that
           cells, oncolytic viruses are, usually, not capable to   is required for its replication. On the other hand, the
           completely demise all malignant cells neither in vivo   mutant virus can replicate in cells with disrupted Rb
           nor in vitro. [3-5]  This inherent limitation of oncolytic   cell cycle control, like glioma cells. [15]  In 2000, the
           viruses is caused principally by restrictions in viral   production of Ad-Δ24 was described for the first time
           infection due to differential expression of surface viral   along with a detailed description of its cytopathic effect
           receptors on different types of malignant cells,  by   on different glioma cell-lines. [13]  But despite its potent
           barriers in viral infection in the organism [7,8]  as well   antiglioma effect, it was obvious even from the first
           as by the proliferation of noninfected malignant cells   studies that Ad-Δ24 would need further improvements
           and the development of resistance.  In this content,   for optimal therapeutic effect. [16]
           significant effort has been invested to increase the viral
           cytotoxicity. Thus, genetic engineering has been used   ADENOVIRUS DELTA 24 DERIVATIVES
           to modify viral genome in order to produce molecules
           toxic for cancer cells, in order to increase the cytopathic   A significant number of modifications have been
           effect. [10]  Furthermore, genes have been employed,   applied on the initial Ad-Δ24 system trying to enhance
           causing an augmented immune response against virally   its specific targeting or to augment its oncolytic potency.
           infected cells, [11]  meanwhile other strategies involve   The most important effort that has been made to enhance
                                                              glioma targeting was the insertion of an Arg-Gly-Asp
                          Access this article online          peptide (RGD) in the Ad-Δ24 fiber knob, increasing
               Quick Response Code:                           its affinity with integrins that are highly expressed
                                    Website:                  in gliomas and other tumor cells. [17]  Adenovirus
                                                              infection in general depends on the initial binding
                                    DOI:                      to the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR)
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.149392  on the cell surface, followed by a secondary binding
                                                              to cell surface integrins.  Thus, the effect of Ad-Δ24
           Corresponding Author: Dr. Konstantinos I. Tsamis, Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Ioannina, 45500
           Ioannina, Greece. E‑mail:

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | January 15, 2015                            1
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