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occipital cortex were also found during treatment of   medicated with antidepressants at the time of death,
           MDD with serotonergic antidepressants. [13]        suggesting that GAD  and GAD  might play a role in
                                                                                 65        67
                                                              depressive syndromes. [41]  Fatemi et al. [42]  investigated
           Significantly lower levels of GABA were observed in   the cerebellar levels of Reelin 410, 330 and 180 kDa,
           the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of adolescents with   GAD , and GAD  in subjects with BD, schizophrenia,
           MDD compared with healthy subjects. [27]  Levels were   MDD,  and  controls  using  the  well‑characterized
           measured by the means of proton magnetic resonance   Stanley Brain Consortium Collection. They found
           spectroscopy and expressed as ratios to unsuppressed   a reduction in levels of GAD  and GAD  proteins
           voxel tissue water (VTW). In this age group, significant   in  all psychiatric  subjects. These findings could
           differences were found for the ratio GABA/VTW in   explain increased blood and CSF GLU and glutamine
           the ACC of adolescents with and without anhedonia   levels in schizophrenic, [43,44]  and depressed subjects, [45]
           but not in those nonanhedonic compared to healthy   probably due to an accumulation of these two precursor
           controls. [27]                                     compounds of GABA. Indeed, normal production of
                                                              GAD  and GAD , as well as of Reelin 410, 330 and
           GABA PATHWAY‑FOCUS ON GAD                          180 kDa, reflects normal GABAergic cell function in
                                                              several parts of the brain including cerebellum. [46]
           GABA is synthesized from GLU via decarboxylation   Of note, Reelin, a protein responsible for correct
           by GAD, a pyridoxal phosphate‑dependent enzyme. [28]    lamination of the CNS during the embryonic period,
           Studies of GAD began in the early 50s with the work   may be involved in the etiology of schizophrenia, BD,
           of Roberts and Frankel, [29,30]  and Awapara [31]  who   and autism. [47‑54]  Remarkably, deficits in CNS levels
           independently discovered that GABA is synthesized
           in GABAergic neurons in CNS. However, GAD and      of Reelin can affect memory processing, learning,
           GABA were also detected in the pancreas where      synaptic organization, and cognition in the adult
           the latter is stored in synaptic‑like vesicles in islet   brain.
           beta cells. [32‑34]   GAD exists  in two isoforms: one  of   Interestingly, GAD  appeared to be a promising
           a molecular size of 65 kDa is termed GAD , whilst                     67
                                                  65          biomarker for BD and schizophrenia since it
           the other, of 67 kDa, is termed GAD . Each of them
                                            67                discriminated these illnesses among a number of
           plays a distinct role: GAD  is the product of a gene
                                   65                         psychiatric conditions with relatively high specificity
           located on chromosome 10 whereas GAD  gene is
                                                  67          and sensitivity. [56]  Moreover, decreased levels of GAD
           on chromosome 2. [35‑37]  These two proteins appear
           to be essential for maintaining homeostasis and    were  found in  the  postmortem  left DLPFC  of BD
           viability of complex organisms. Studies carried out   patients compared with MDD individuals and controls,
           in GAD  knockout mice showed a reduction in the    giving rise to the possibility of differentiating the brain
                  67                                          areas involved in unipolar and bipolar depression.
           levels of GABA and died at the birth of a severe cleft
           palate. [38]  Instead GAD  knockout mice presented   Heckers and colleagues first made the description of
                                65                            the distribution of GAD  and GAD  mRNA‑positive
           normal basal levels of GABA and appear normal at                         65         67
           birth but developed fatal seizures and anxiety‑like   neurons in the human hippocampus. [57]  They found
           phenotypes. [39]  The two isoforms were localized   that abnormalities of hippocampal GAD expression
           in different neuronal compartments. GAD  lies      are more prominent in BD than in schizophrenia,
           primarily in axon terminals and synthesizes GABA for   whereas another study showed a larger reduction
           neuronal transmission. GAD  is widely distributed   of GAD  mRNA‑containing neurons in BD patients
                                     67                                                        [58]
           throughout the neuron for the synthesis of GABA for   than in those with schizophrenia.   Of interest is
           general metabolic activity. [35,36,40]             the evidence that decreased GAD  expression leads
                                                              to a reduction of levels of GABA, with a net effect
           GAD IN MDs                                         of a reduced GABAergic inhibitory control over
                                                              glutamatergic cells. Therefore, it has been hypothesized
           A substantial amount of evidence has suggested a   that GAD  levels could be a surrogate marker for
           role of GAD in MDs. Karolewicz et al. [41]  measured   psychosis liability [59]  and pharmacological agents that
           the levels of GAD  and GAD  in postmortem brain    raise GAD  expression levels could represent novel
           samples from the gray matter of left dorsolateral   targets for antipsychotic therapy. [59]  Taken together,
           prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, Brodmann’s Area 9) of MDD   these findings demonstrate that GAD might have a role
           patients, treated and untreated with antidepressants.   in modulating the psychopathological presentation in
           GAD  and GAD  were reduced in antidepressant‑free   a distinct subset of patients with MDs, possibly those
           MDD subjects compared to matched controls.         with more prominent mood‑congruent or incongruent
           This reduction was not present in MDD patients     psychotic features.

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