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that regulates translation of mRNAs with highly    be directed at disease risk, disease progression, or both.
           structured 5’-sequences. The most popular mutations,   A mutation or genetic variant can be considered a risk
           p.Ala502Val and p.Arg1205His mutation were found   biomarker for PD if it is associated with the disease. The
           to be with PD in some population. However, later   discovery of mutations that cause monogenetic forms
           replication studies in multiple ethnicities failed to   of PD has allowed clinical investigators to determine
           confirm EIF4G1 mutations as a cause or a susceptible   the cause of the disease and to predict the risk for
           factor for familial or sporadic PD. [133,140,141]  developing the disease. However, at least two factors
                                                              have to be simultaneously considered before defining
           BST1                                               such mutations as biomarkers: the penetrance of the
           Recently,  GWAS  in  PD  have  provided  association   mutations and the variability of AAO of PD caused
           evidence at 16 loci, including a region encompassing   by the mutations. Mutations that confer high risk of
           a gene encoding bone marrow stromal cell antigen   developing a disease usually display a high penetrance
           1 (BST1) on 4p15. [142]  Interestingly, all PD-associated   (>  80%), and the variability of AAOs of patients
           single-nucleotide polymorphisms  (SNPs) on the     carrying such mutations is usually low. In autosomal
           BST1 locus lie within linkage disequilibrium blocks   dominant form of PD, the most affirmatively causative
           containing only the BST1 gene. [142]  However, by direct   mutations  are  those  within  the  SNCA  and  LRRK2
           sequencing of the entire coding region of BST1, we did   genes. Point mutations, duplications, and triplications
           not reveal a variant associated with PD. [143]     of SNCA cause PD with high penetrance. However, the
                                                              AAO of each mutation type in this gene is associated
           CONCERNS ON THE TRANSLATION OF GENETIC             with a fairly high variability among cases (ranging
           INFORMATION INTO CLINICAL APPLICATIONS             from mid- 30s to late 80s), making it difficult to use
                                                              these mutations to predict the onset and course. On the
           Molecular diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease: possibilities   other hand, although the causative role of the LRRK2
           and concerns                                       G2019S mutation is not in question, and the AAO is less
           As mutations in several genes are able to cause    variable (usually at 60s), it is clear that the penetrance
           monogenic forms of PD, molecular diagnosis using   of this gene is only 30-40%. Therefore, carrying this
           these mutations for familial PD is possible. However,   mutation does not unequivocally predict development
           cautions must take before extensive applications of   of PD during a lifetime. [145]  The situation for the risk
           these mutations to genetic counseling, because most of   variants associated with the onset and progression of
           our knowledge about the genetic basis of PD remains   sporadic PD are even more complicated and puzzling
           preliminary. According to the latest European Federation   as it may involve multiple independent and interactive
           of Neurological Societies guidelines on the molecular   factors. Thus, the value of a genetic biomarker in
           diagnosis of PD, [144]  for mutations that are detected   predicting an individual’s risk of developing the disease
           in rare familial forms of PD, such as point mutation   is questionable at the current stage.
           or multiplication of SNCA in familial PD, molecular
           diagnosis should be considered only for clearly familial   Can genetic variations help in molecular classification of
           cases. Even for the LRRK2 genes in which mutations   Parkinsonian disorders?
           are much more prevalent in Europeans, molecular    Parkinsonian disorders are a group of clinically and
           testing is only recommended for cases with dominant   pathogenically diverse disorders. For diagnostic and
           inheritance of parkinsonian syndromes, and testing   therapeutic purposes, it has long been expected to
           for the G2019S mutation is only recommended for    classify this clinical complex further. Currently, the
           familial and sporadic patients in the Ashkenazi Jews   classification of these disorders is mainly based on
           or North African Arabs. Similarly, testing for mutations   pathological findings. According to autopsy findings,
           in recessive PD-genes (parkin, PINK-1, DJ-1) is only   the histological characteristics in the patients’
           recommended  for  families  suggestive  of  recessive   brain have been classified as  α-synucleinopathies
           inheritance (affected sib pairs) or sporadic patients   and  non-α-synucleinopathies, the  latter  including
           with very early onset (< 35 years). For most of the other   tauopathies, TDP-43 proteinopathies and nonspecific
           mutations, using of them for genetic testing should wait   degeneration in the pars compacta of the substantia
           until their causative role in the disease is convincingly   nigra (SNPc). [146]  However, this classification is made
           established.                                       postpartum and, therefore, less useful for preclinical
                                                              and clinical diagnosis. Interestingly, studies have
           Use of genetic variation as predictive biomarkers for   demonstrated that similar pathologies might result
           Parkinson’s disease: is it possible now?           from the influence of mutations in genes that are part
           A biomarker is a substance used as an indicator of   of the same pathways. [11,147]  For example, PD cases
           normal biologic and pathogenic processes, or responses   with mutations in SNCA, LRRK2 and GBA genes
           to a therapeutic intervention. Biomarkers for PD may   usually display a common  α-synuclein pathology,

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