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SNCA  (e.g.  rs356165 and rs356219) with sporadic   0.5-5% in controls and confers at least two-fold risk for
           PD, especially those from Southern Germany and     the chance of PD. Given that this association appears
           Asian. [44-47]  Although molecular details are not clear, the   robust across Asian populations, this risk allele is an
           3’-variants have been shown to increase the expression   underlying factor in a very large number of PD cases
           of α-synuclein. [48]                               worldwide. More recently a second LRRK2 risk allele,
                                                              also identified within Asian PD populations has been
           LRRK2                                              described. [64,65]
           The discovery of mutations in the LRRK2 gene as
           the cause of PD in the families linked to the PARK8   Microtubule associated protein tau
           locus  (12q12) was probably the most important     The microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) gene
           step  forward  since  the  α-synuclein  discovery. [49,50]    encodes MAPT. Tau modulates the assembly, dynamic
           LRRK2 is a very large gene that contains 51 exons,   behavior, and spatial organization of microtubules, and
           and over 30 sequence variants have been linked to   is a major protein component of neurofibrillary tangles,
           autosomal-dominant Parkinsonism. However, only     a hallmark lesion of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Mutations
           five (R1441C, R1441G, Y1699C, G2019S, and I2020T)   in the MAPT gene were identified to cause autosomal
           have been shown or be clearly pathogenic, and two   dominant frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism
           substitutions (G2385R, R1628P) have been associated   linked to chromosome 17.  In addition to rare causal
           with an increased risk for sporadic PD.            mutations, common variability in MAPT has been
                                                              linked to disease such as progressive supranuclear palsy,
           The most common LRRK2 mutation is Gly2019Ser.      AD and PD. The most frequently reported variation is
           It  is  detected  in  about  5%  of  familial  and  1-2%   caused by a common genomic inversion within a large
           of sporadic European PD patients [51,52]  and up to   block (approximately 1.6 Mb in length) containing the
           30%  of  patients  with  PD  from  North  African  and   MAPT locus that shows reduced recombination and
           10-40% of Middle Eastern populations.  [53-56]  One   high levels of linkage disequilibrium. This phenomenon
           intriguing feature of this mutation is its association   results in two common Caucasian haplotype groups
           with both familial and sporadic PD. However,       across this locus, often termed H1 and H2. Association
           the  penetrance  of  this  mutation  is  relatively  low.   between MAPT H1 and risk for PD has been tested by many
           By analyzing the pooled data of 24 populations     groups, [67,68]  and the results in general show a consistent
           worldwide (including 19,376 unrelated patients with   association with the disease. Moreover, patients carrying
           PD), the International LRRK2 Consortium reported   the H1 allele present in their fifth decade either with
           the risk of PD for a person who inherits the LRRK2   behavioral/cognitive changes or with rapidly progressive
           G2019S mutation was 28% at age 59  years, 51%      and poorly levodopa-responsive parkinsonism. A recent
           at  69  years  and  74%  at  79  years.  Although  motor   follow-up study demonstrated that 17% of incident
           and nonmotor symptoms of LRRK2-associated PD       PD patients developed dementia over 5 years, and the
           were more benign than those of idiopathic PD, the   MAPT H1/H1 genotype was an independent predictor
           core features  (asymmetrical, tremor predominant   of dementia risk (odds ratio = 12.1). [69]  The results
           parkinsonism with bradykinesia and rigidity that   also suggested that Lewy body deposition in posterior
           responded to dopamine) of the patients with LRRK2   cortical areas, which is influenced by MAPT genotype
           G2019S-associated PD are indistinguishable from    and the aging process are associated with subsequent
           patients with idiopathic PD, again implying a critical   global cognitive decline and dementia. However, the H1
           contribution of LRRK2 to the PD pathogenesis. [57]  haplotype may not be a universal risk allele because the
                                                              H2 haplotype is almost exclusively Caucasian in origin,
           Although the G2019S is prevalent in PD patients    and its prevalence in other populations is essentially
           in  the  above-mentioned  populations,  it  does  not   zero. [70]
           occur at appreciable frequency in control cohorts
           from  these  populations  and  is  strikingly  rare  in   In addition to the H1 haplotype, a subhaplotype
           Chinese [58,59]  and South African. [60]  Therefore, it is   within the H1 clade composed of two “H1-SNPs”
           more a population-specific mutation than a popular   (rs242562 and rs2435207) spanning MAPT exons
           susceptibility variant. In contrast, two variants reported   1-4 was also significantly overrepresented in cases
           from Asian populations appear to be true risk variants   versus control subjects. [71,72]  However, except for in
           for PD. The first G2385R was initially described in a   one Greek and one Nowegian study, the association of
           Taiwanese family. [61]  Assessment of this variant in large   H1-subhaplotype with PD was not well replicated in
           Asian populations showed association with risk for   other Caucasian studies, and Taiwan Chinese, [68,73,74]
           disease in Taiwanese, Japanese, Hong Kong Chinese   and it has not been tested whether this subhaplotype is
           and mainland Chinese populations. [61-63]  In general this   associated with PD in populations that possess merely
           variant is present in about 10% of PD populations and   the H1 clade.

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