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Milluzzo et al. Metab Target Organ Damage 2024;4:5                                Page 5 of 14

                Alkyl agents +
                Carboplatin +   Case report of a 59-yo man   NSCLC    -    Yes              Retinal ischaemia      After changing anticancer drugs, the soft   [28]
                paclitaxel   (Japan)                                                        Soft exudates          exudates and haemorrhages disappeared
                Carboplatin +   Case report of a 70-yo   Cervix uteri      No               Retinal ischaemia      Retinal signs disappeared after drugs   [29]
                paclitaxel   woman                                                          Cotton wool spots      cessation
                Alkyl agents + Topo
                  Cisplatin +   Case report of a 4-yo and   Retroperitoneal malignant mixed  -  No  Retinal granular pigmentation    Retinal and optic nerve signs were permanent [32]
                  etoposide  7-yo girls         germ cell tumour and liver cancer           Optic nerve pallor
                MAPK inhib
                  Pimasertib  Prospective       Cutaneous melanoma    100%  Yes (not indicated the   Sub-retinal fluid  Retinal signs disappeared despite the   [39]
                             (Netherlands)                                 prevalence in the whole                 continuation of the drug
                  Pimasertib  Case report of a 26-yo   Ovarian        -    No               Outer retinal layer separation  Retinal signs disappeared after drug cessation [37]
                  Selumetinib  Case report of a 13-yo girl   Pilocytic astrocytoma   -  No  Outer retinal layer separation  Retinal signs disappeared after drug cessation [38]
                             and 6-yo boy
                  Binimetinib  Prospective      Cutaneous/uveal melanoma  60%-  No          Subretinal fluid       Retinal signs disappeared despite the   [40]
                             (Netherlands)                            77%                                          continuation of the drug
                  Binimetinib  Phase 1 study    Various solid cancers  62%  Not indicated   Retinal detachment     Retinal signs improved, in most of the cases,   [41]
                                                                                                                   after stopping the drug
                MAPK+BRAF inhib
                Trametinib +   Case report of a 39-yo   Cutaneous melanoma  -  No           Serious retinal detachments    Permanent extensive extra-macula retinal   [42]
                dabrafenib   woman                                                          Extra-macula retinal fibrosis   fibrosis
                  Imatinib   Case report of a 62-yo man   GIST        -    No               Mild retinal haemorrhages   Retinal signs disappeared after drug dose   [43]
                             (USA)                                                          Neovascularization     reduction
                  Imatinib   Prospective        Chronic myeloid leukemia  1%-2% Yes (not indicated the   Retinal haemorrhages  Retinal signs usually disappeared after drug   [44]
                             (Italy)                                       prevalence in the whole                 cessation
                VEGF inhib
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