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Page 10 of 19          Kalloo et al. Metab Target Organ Damage 2023;3:7

               The DAPA-HF, DAPA-CKD, and EMPEROR-REDUCED trials all showed benefits of the respective SGLT2
               classes across the spectrum of Hba1c and also with regard to reduction in new-onset type 2 diabetes, thereby
               suggesting possible added benefits of this class in these populations. Whether this would be a consideration
               seems unlikely, but a cardiovascular outcome trial in those with pre-diabetes on these medications would be
               an interesting consideration to test this hypothesis.

               Uric acid and gout
               The reduction in uric acid levels by SGLT2 inhibitors has long been noted and even considered one of the
               possible mechanisms of their cardiovascular benefit . Recent post hoc analysis from the EMPA-REG
               OUTCOME trial has shown that empagliflozin reduced uric acid levels and a composite of gout and gout
               medications in the study population . This uric acid reduction effect has also been shown with
               dapagliflozin in the DAPA-HF trial and with canagliflozin [49,50]

               In keeping with their multitude of effects, added benefits of SGLT2is in those with type 2 diabetes,
               hyperuricaemia, and/or gout could be another treatment consideration.

               Recommendation of SGLT2 Inhibitors in NAFLD
               Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or Metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is becoming
               an increasing concern for patients with type 2 diabetes, not just from a progression to cirrhosis but also due
               to the association of cardiovascular disease . There is increasing push toward screening and managing
               patients with type 2 diabetes for NAFLD; however, the pharmacological treatment options beyond
               pioglitazone are yet to be determined. There have been a number of studies looking at SGLT2 inhibitors in
               this population, with benefits seen in liver transaminases, liver fat on imaging, and body weight though
               there are minimal studies looking at those without type 2 diabetes and limited histological studies .

               Real-world registries such as the ABCD National Audits have also shown reductions in ALT with SGLT2s
               suggesting potential benefit in NAFLD, though again, there are arguments for its correlation with
               histological benefits. Though limited data on histological benefits, a trial involving ipragliflozin did show
               resolution of NASH in 66.7% of patients treated with Ipragliflozin . Similarly, a small 6-patient study
               looking at liver biopsies in patients treated with canagliflozin suggested favourable histological impact .
               Perhaps the most convincing trial to date looked at metabolic and histological parameters of another SGLT2
               inhibitor, tofogliflozin, compared to glimepiride and identified improvements in hepatocellular ballooning,
               lobular inflammation and steatosis with tofogliflozin as well as biochemical findings .
               Future studies are considering the use of SGLT2s in NAFLD, though to truly appreciate benefit, there would
               need to be specifically designed hepatic outcome trials ‘HOTs’ to determine the benefit of medication in this
               comorbidity. Until then, recommendations of SGLT-2 inhibitors in NAFLD will centre around
               improvements in surrogate markers.

               SGLT2 Inhibitors and CKD
               Just as with heart failure, SGLT2 inhibitors have now been recommended as one of the key pillars in the
               management of CKD in those with and without type 2 diabetes, as seen in the recent ADA-EASD and
               KDIGO guidelines . Specifically, in those with established CKD, regardless of the presence or absence of
               diabetes, the risk of a composite of a sustained decline in the estimated GFR of at least 50%, end-stage
               kidney disease, or death from renal or cardiovascular causes was significantly lower with dapagliflozin than
               with placebo . More recently, the EMPA-KIDNEY trial was halted early due to the achievement of the
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