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Mathieu et al. Metab Target Organ Damage 2022;2:15  Page 5 of 11

               Table 1. Overview of clinical trials targeting arrest of new-onset type 1 diabetes
                Trial              Mechanism             Location  Effect  Phase  DOP/DOFR   Refs.
                Cyclosporin A      Calcineurin inh       Eu        Transient   2  1986       [58]
                Rituximab          Anti-CD20 mAb         Au, Eu, NA  Transient   2  2009     [59]
                Mycophenolate      IMDPH inh             NA        No      2      2010       [60]
                + Daclizumab       + anti-CD25 mAb
                PROTÉGÉ - Teplizumab  Anti-CD3 mAb       NA        No      3      2011       [44]
                Abatacept          CTLA-4-Ig             NA        Transient   2  2011       [61]
                AbATE - Teplizumab  Anti-CD3 mAb         NA        Transient   2  2013       [62]
                T1DAL - Alefacept  LFA-3-Ig              NA        Potential   2  2013       [63]
                DEFEND - Otelixizumab  Anti-CD3 mAb      Eu, NA    No      3      2014       [42,43]
                START - High-dose ATG  HD anti-thymocyte globulin  NA  No   2     2016       [35]
                Low-dose ATG       LD anti-thymocyte globulin  NA  Beneficial   2  2018      [37]
                Verapamil          Calcium channel-blocker   NA    Beneficial   2  2019      NCT02372253
                T1GER - Golimumab  Anti-TNF-α mAb        NA        Beneficial   2  2020      [50]
                Anti-IL-21 + Liraglutide  Anti-IL-21 mAb + GLP-1 RA  NA, Eu  Beneficial  2  2021  [56]
                Tocilizumab        Anti-IL-6 receptor mAB   Au, NA  Ongoing  2    2021       NCT02293837
                Ladarixin          CXCR1 and CXCR2 Inh   Eu        No      2      2022       [64]
                DIABIL-2 - IL-2    Recombinant human IL-2  Eu      Ongoing  2     /          NCT02411253
                ITAD - IL-2        Recombinant human IL-2  Eu      Ongoing  2     /          NCT03782636
                Iscalimab          Anti-CD40 mAb         Eu        Ongoing  2     /          NCT04129528
                I-DIT - Ixekizumab  Anti-IL-17 mAb       Eu        Ongoing  2     /          NCT04589325
                UST1D2 - Ustekinumab  Anti-IL-12 / Anti-IL-21 mAb  NA  Ongoing  2-3  /       NCT03941132
                MELD-ATG           LD anti-thymocyte globulin  Eu  Ongoing  2     /          NCT04509791
                BANDIT - Baricitinib  JAK1 and JAK2 Inh  Au        Ongoing  2     /          NCT04774224

               The table is ranked based on the date of publication (DOP) or, if not available, the date of the release of the first results (DOFR). If no results are
               available yet, the study is marked by a dash. ATG: Anti-thymocyte globulin; Au: Australia; CTLA-4: cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4;
               CXCR: C-X-C chemokine receptor; Eu: Europe; GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide 1; HD: high dose; Ig: immunoglobulin fusion protein; IL: interleukin;
               IMDPH: inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase; Inh: inhibitor; JAK: Janus kinase; LD: low dose; LFA-3: lymphocyte function-associated antigen;
               mAb: monoclonal antibody; NA: North America; NCT: national clinical trial; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; RA: receptor agonist; Refs.: references.

               antigens to prevent T1D [Table 2].

               Interventions arresting an ongoing immune response by general immunosuppression, with cyclosporin A as
               a prime example, were the first to demonstrate the potential to induce disease remission in new-onset T1D.
               Despite these promising results, the major obstacles associated with this strategy are disease recurrence and
               the adverse effects associated with general immunosuppressive drugs (reviewed in ). This breakthrough
               resulted in the quest for an immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory drug that could overcome both
               obstacles. As such, to date, many immune agents have been tested, with low-dose anti-thymocyte globulin
               (ATG) and teplizumab (anti-CD3 antibody) being the most promising in people with new-onset T1D .

               ATG finds its origin in transplantation, and, compared to the relatively higher doses (6.5 mg/kg) used in the
               randomized controlled Study of Thymoglobulin to ARrest T1D (START) trial, it is found to be more
               effective in new-onset T1D when used in lower doses (2.5 mg/kg) [35-37] . The protective effect of the lower
               dose is based on a transient T lymphocyte depletion followed by a T lymphocyte reconstitution in favor of
               regulatory T lymphocytes, resulting in a shift towards tolerance induction . This is further established by
               the observation that the addition of G-CSF to a low-dose ATG regimen led to a decrease in the protective
               effect of ATG . In INNODIA, in phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled, MELD-ATG trial, researchers
               are testing if even lower doses of ATG would be effective in arresting the decline of functional beta cell mass
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