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Donisi et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:38                                                                                Page 7 of 15

                             Table 2. Laparoscopic-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy

                                                  Period of          Surgical        Included          N of LAS pancreatic       LAS vs. open                            LAS vs. TLS/robotic
                                                  enrollment         operation       approaches        procedures
                              Staudacher et al.  ,   2003-2004       PD              LAS               4                         -                                       -
                              Dulucq et al.  , 2006  1999-2005       PD              LAS, TLS          9                         -                                       Similar IBL, OT, LOS
                              Pugliese et al.  , 2008 2002-2006      PD              LAS*, TLS         7                         -                                       -
                              Cho et al.  , 2009  2007-2008          PD              LAS               15                        -                                       -
                              Machado et al.  ,   -                  PD              LAS*, TLS         2                         -                                       -
                              Kim et al.  , 2013   2007-2011         PD              LAS*, TLS         10                        -                                       -
                              Lee et al.  , 2013   2009-2012         PD              LAS               42                        -                                       -
                              Langan et al.  , 2014  2010-2013       PD              LAS, open         27                        Reduced LOS                             -
                                                                                                                                 Better QoL
                                                                                                                                 Similar OT, morbidity rate
                              Wang et al.  , 2014  2009-2013         PD              LAS, open         13                        Decreased blood loss, LOS               -
                                                                                                                                 Similar complication and mortality rate
                              Wellner et al.  , 2014 1996-2013       PD              LAS, open         40                        Decreased need for blood transfusions   -
                                                                                                                                 Similar complication and mortality rate
                              Speicher et al.  , 2014  2010-2013     PD              LAS, TLS, open    31                        Increased IBL, POPF grade C rate        Increased IBL, POPF grade C rate
                                                                                                                                 Similar R0 rate                         Similar R0 rate
                              Liang et al.  , 2015   2011-2013       PD              LAS*, TLS, open   13                        -                                       -
                              Piedimonte et al.  ,   2010-2014       PD              LAS, RA           14                        -                                       Similar OT, IBL, morbidity rate
                              Wang et al.  , 2015   2010-2013        PD              LAS, TLS          6                         -                                       Similar OT, IBL, morbidity
                              Mendoza et al.  ,   2014               PD              LAS, open         18                        Reduced LOS                             -
                              2015                                                                                               Increased OT
                                                                                                                                 Similar IBL, LN yield, R0 rate, morbidity rate,
                                                                                                                                 POPF rate
                              Liu et al.  , 2015   2011-2012         PD              LAS               21                        -                                       -
                              Lu et al.  , 2016   2012-2015          PD              LAS*,TLS          9                         -                                       -
                              Patel et al.  , 2017   2006-2016       PD              LAS, TLS          17                        -                                       Reduced LOS, length of ICU stay, severe
                                                                                                                                                                         morbidity, reoperation rate
                              Kantor et al.  , 2018   2014-2015      PD              LAS*, TLS, robotic,   304                   -                                       -
                              Nassour et al.  , 2018  2014-2015      PD              LAS*, TLS, robotic,   54                    -                                       -
                              Deichmann et al.  ,   2000-2015        PD              LAS, open         60                        Decreased OT, LOS, need for blood       -
                              2018                                                                                               transfusions, CR-POPF rate
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