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Bellows                                                                                                                                                                                   A foreword from the Editor-in-Chief

           Review Articles, Case Reports, Brief Communications,   extend my gratitude to my co-editors, editorial board
           Editorial, and Letters to Editor. Moreover, images and   members, and reviewers, as well as the contributing
           videos about novel minimally invasive technologies are   authors for creating this first issue.
           also welcomed. Our journal will allow rapid publication
           of manuscripts after rigorous peer review. Currently,   The Editorial Board and myself will continue to provide
           the journal does not charge for submission, processing,   our readers with meaningful articles on the spectrum
           or publication of manuscripts; color reproduction  of   of minimally invasive surgery that are well written and
           photographs is also free. We look forward to helping   up-to-date.
           advance the field of mini-invasive surgery by providing
           a premier medium for publication.                  Authors’ contributions

           In  this  issue,  readers  will  find  a  diverse  group  of   C.F. Bellows contributed solely to this paper.
           manuscripts.  The features of  the articles in this
           volume touch upon developments  in the spectrum    Financial support and sponsorship
           of  activities  related  to  the  field  of  minimally  invasive   None.
           surgery as applied  to areas of clinical  research,
           surgical techniques, reviews and editorials relevant for   Conflicts of interest
           improved clinical practice.                        There are no conflicts of interest.

           I hope the readers  are making frequent use of this   Patient consent
           valuable  resource  and  are  finding  it  helpful  in  their
           clinical  practice.  We hope that this journal serves to   Not applicable.
           stimulate a robust scientific understanding of minimally
           invasive surgery with the long-term aim of improving   Ethics approval
           the  health of  the  public. I  would like to  thank and   Not applicable.

             2                                                                                                      Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017
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