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Kitahama et al.                                                                                                                                       PLPED with EMG monitoring under general anesthesia

           Figure 4: Upper half of the operative field is epidural space, lower half of that is disc spaces, and posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) is
           consisting of the boundary of these spaces (A: PLL locates the tip of bipolar coagulator); (B) sharp dissection of the lateral margin of PLL is
           performed by beak forceps; (C) after that total removal of medial type lumbar disc herniation is achieved
           dissection of the lateral part of PLL and subsequently   The short-term operative outcome was evaluated by
           electro-coagulation of the PLL [Figure 4B and C].  NRS score. Post-operatively, NRS score of the affected
                                                              leg  significantly  improved  from  6.4  to  0.9  (P < 0.05)
           Date analysis                                      [Figure 5]. To evaluate wound pain, we also examined
           The operative outcomes  were  evaluated  by two    NRS score of operative site on the day following the
           methods: (1) the change  of pre- and  postoperative   operation. The mean NRS score was 0.8 in the next
           numeric rating scale (NRS) scores of affected leg pain   morning [Figure 5].
           and NRS score of operative site pain;  (2) MacNab’s
           criteria rating activities of daily life at the most recent   The  long-term  operative outcome was evaluated
           examination.  According to the criteria, the results   by MacNab’s criteria. The patient was asked to rate
           were  described as excellent  (completely  pain  free),   the level of well-being at an average of 13.5 months
           good  (minor  intermittent discomfort, not interfering   after the operation (range: 1-30 months). “Excellent”
           with normal activities), fair (improvement in symptoms   or “good” ratings were obtained from 91.5% patients.
           but persistent backache  or sciatica interfering  with   “Fair” was obtained from 8.5% patients and no patient
           capacity to engage in full normal activities) and poor   chose “poor” as per the MacNab’s criteria [Table 2].
           (no change in symptoms).  Statistical analysis  was
           performed with Student’s paired t-test. P values < 0.05   Mean operative time was 66.7 (range 38-152) min and
           were considered statistically significant.         intraoperative blood loss was negligible in all cases.
                                                              Mean  time  to  ambulation  was  7.2  (range  2-20)  h.
           RESULTS                                            Mean hospital stay was 4.4 (range 1-33) days and the
                                                              average duration of return to work was 17.2 (range
           A single level of PLPED for consecutive 48 cases was   5-56) days [Table 3]. Although no serious complication
           examined.  The  mean age of  patients (23 men,  25   occurred, 4 cases had minor transient neurological
           women) was 50.7 (range 17-88) years old. One patient   deficits. One patient (2.1%) complained of dysesthesia
           underwent PLPED at L1-2 level, 3 at L2-3, 7 at L3-4,   of affected ENR area, but the dysesthesia has been
           29 at L4-5 and 8 at L5-S or L5-6 [Table 1].        gradually improving.  Three patients (6.3%) had a
                                                              transient paresis that had completely disappeared
                                                              after 3 months  [Table 4]. No recurrence LDH was

                                                              Table 1: Background data of the patients
                                                               Characteristics                   Data
                                                                  Male                            23
                                                                  Female                          25
                                                               Age (years), mean (range)       50.7 (17-88)
                                                                  L1-2                             1
                                                                  L2-3                             3
                                                                  L3-4                             7
                                                                  L4-5                            29
                                                                  L5-S, L5-6                       8
           Figure 5: The short term operative outcome evaluated by numeric   Type of herniation
           rating scale (NRS) score. Left and middle bar show the significant      Medial         13
           change of NRS score of affected leg pain (*P < 0.05). Right bar is      Foraminal      32
           NRS score of operative site on the day following the operation     Lateral              3
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