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Ninomiya et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2022;6:33  Page 15 of 18

               Table 1. Surgical outcomes of the 58 patients who underwent robot-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy

                Operation time (min), mean ± SD
                Total                                                                   609 ± 75
                Thorax                                                                  309 ± 71
                Robot setup time                                                        23.3 ± 7.6
                Console time                                                            255 ± 64
                Amount of blood loss (mL), mean ± SD
                Total                                                                   286 ± 187
                Thorax                                                                  135 ± 126
                No. of dissected lymph nodes, mean ± SD
                Total                                                                   58.3 ± 20.2
                Thorax                                                                  27.1 ± 9.9
                Conversion to thoracotomy, No. (%)                                      0 (0)
                Curative resection according to pStage , No. (%)
                pStage I (n = 18)                                                       17 (94.4)
                pStage II (n = 9)                                                        9 (100)
                pStage III (n = 17)                                                      9 (100)
                pStage IV (n = 14)                                                       8 (71.4)
                Total (n = 58)                                                          51 (87.9)
                Tumor was staged according to the TNM classification of the American Joint Committee on Cancer and the Union Internationale Control le
               Cancer 8th edition;  one case with extensive oral intraepithelial spread within long-segment Barrett’s esophagus showed positive oral margin.
               SD: Standard deviation; TNM: tumor nodes metastasis.

                Figure 5. Hemostasis of bleeding from aorta by robotic platform: (A) direct suturing; and (B) hemostasis by ligation. Encircled numeral
                corresponds to the port or arm number. The arrow indicates the bleeding point. A: Aorta; AA: assistant arm; CD: cherry dissector; LH:
                left hand; PR: predjet; RH: right hand; S: suction; AV: azygos vein.

               of the upper mediastinum due to the magnified three-dimensional view. Conversely, lower mediastinal
               dissection is easier with the patient in PP rather than in LDP because insertion of the dissection tool by the
               surgeon’s right hand can be possible from the cranial direction in PP. However, there are no sensitive nerves
               to be preserved in lower mediastinum, and the metastasis in lower mediastinum is infrequent compared to
               in upper mediastinum . Therefore, the dissection of lower mediastinum can be easily performed by using
               the surgeon’s left hand in our procedure by RATE in LDP.
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71