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Page 6 of 8           Triantafyllou et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2023;7:31

               Table 2. Landmark ongoing and recently completed randomised trials on the comparison between MIE and RAMIE
                         Start               Expected                                     Anticipated primary
                Trial            Origin                             Surgical arms
                         date                number of cases                              endpoint
                RAMIE    7/2017  China       360          Totally MIE, chest/neck  Totally RAMIE,   5-year survival
                                                          anastomosis    chest/neck anastomosis
                ROBOT-2  1/2021  Germany,    218          Totally MIE, chest   Totally RAMIE, chest   Number of lymph nodes
                                 Netherlands,             anastomosis    anastomosis      resected
                REVATE   10/2018  China      190          Hybrid:        Totally RAMIE    Extent of
                                                          thoracoscopy,                   lymphadenectomy
               MIE: Minimally invasive esophagectomy; RAMIE: robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy.

               This narrative review demonstrated the available totally robotic and hybrid techniques for forming the
               esophagogastric anastomosis during RAMIE. The existing variety of the anastomotic options in MIE has
               been implemented in robotic resections; hence, a great diversity of tips and tricks, results, and
               recommendations are being discussed in the literature. Either hand-sewn or mechanical stapling, each
               technique presents a few advantages and challenges, and most esophageal surgeons incorporate the skills
               they are more familiar with from open esophagectomy or MIE. The hand-sewn suturing and the linear
               stapling can complete a totally robotic reconstruction, whereas the circular stapler requires undocking of the
               robotic arms and a trained assistant. Regardless of the preferred approach, safety and radicality, along with
               accurate reports of the surgical outcomes and complications, are pivotal. This aims to improve the technical
               experience and maximally take advantage of the robotic technique.

               Authors’ contributions
               Completed the search of the literature and conducted the manuscript: Triantafyllou T
               Revised the manuscript and completed the final editing: Sgromo B

               Availability of data and materials
               Not applicable.

               Financial support and sponsorship

               Conflicts of interest
               All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

               Ethical approval and consent to participate
               Not applicable.

               Consent for publication
               Not applicable.

               © The Author(s) 2023.
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