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van Wiechen et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2022;6:1  Page 5 of 11

               Table 2. Patient characteristics
                Baseline characteristics                     Standard  R-EXPRES  EXPRES  P-value  Total
                                                             n = 269   n = 121   n = 22          n = 412
                Age (years)                                  80 [75-85]  81 [77-84]  78 [73-81]  0.13  80 [75-85]
                Male gender                                  146 (54)  61 (51)   14 (64)  0.49   221 (54)
                Body mass index (kg/m )                      27.3 ± 5.5  27.6 ± 5.4  26.2 ± 3.0  0.57  27.3 ± 5.4
                Diabetes mellitus                            86 (32)   38 (32)   5 (23)  0.67    132 (32)
                Hypertension                                 190 (71)  83 (69)   14 (64)  0.76   287 (70)
                Hypercholesterolemia                         150 (56)  68 (57)   10 (46)  0.63   228 (55)
                Creatinine (mmol/L)                          113 ± 84  113 ± 69  86 ± 20  0.28   111 ± 78
                Peripheral vascular disease                  98 (36)   48 (40)   4 (18)  -       150 (36)
                COPD                                         35 (13)   24 (20)   1 (5)   -       60 (15)
                Permanent pacemaker                          35 (13)   10 (8)    0 (0)   -       45 (11)
                Prior coronary artery bypass graft           41 (15)   13 (11)   2 (9)   -       56 (14)
                Prior percutaneous coronary intervention     75 (28)   34 (28)   3 (14)  0.34    112 (27)
                Prior aortic valve surgery                   8 (3)     3 (3)     0 (0)   -       11 (3)
                Prior cerebrovascular event                  25 (9)    13 (11)   0 (0)   -       38 (9)
                New York Heart Association class ≥ III       146 (54)  74 (61)   2 (9)   < 0.01  222 (54)
                Canadian Cardiovascular Society class ≥ II   52 (19)   24 (20)   6 (27)  -       82 (20)
                European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II (%)  5.3 ± 6.0  4.7 ± 4.1  2.0 ± 1.5      5.0 ± 5.4
                                                                                         < 0.01
                Society of Thoracic Surgeons’ score (%)      4.4 ± 3.1  4.3 ± 2.8  2.4 ± 1.5  0.02  4.2 ± 2.9

               Categorical variables are presented as numbers (percentage). Continuous variables are presented as median (IQR) or mean ± SD. COPD: Chronic
               obstructive pulmonary disease.

               Table 3. Procedural characteristics
                Procedural characteristics       Standard    R-EXPRES    EXPRES      P-value   Total
                                                 n = 269     n = 121     n = 22                n = 412
                Transfemoral access              250 (93)    115 (95)    22 (100)    -         387 (94)
                Transaxillary access             18 (7)      5 (4)       0 (0)       -         23 (5.5)
                Transapical access               1 (0)       1 (1)       0 (0)       -         2 (0.5)
                General anesthesia               12 (4)      1 (1)       0 (0)       -         13 (3)
                Conscious sedation               4 (1)       0 (0)       0 (0)       -         4 (1)
                Local anesthesia                 253 (94)    120 (99)    22 (100)    -         395 (96)

                Cerebral embolic protection      119 (44)    54 (45)     11 (50)     0.86      184 (45)
                Single prosthetic valve implanted  263 (98)  118 (98)    22 (100)    -         403 (98)
                - Balloon expandable             106 (41)    42 (36)     16 (73)     < 0.01    164 (41)
                - Self- or mechanically expandable  156 (59)  76 (64)    6 (27)      < 0.01    238 (59)
                Multiple valves implanted        6 (2)       3 (2)       0 (0)       -         9 (2)
                Median procedural time (min)     67 [55-84]  60 [47-82]  69 [50-86]  0.15      66 [51-84]
               Categorical variables are presented as numbers (percentage). Continuous variables are presented as median (IQR) or mean ± standard deviation

               complications in the EXPRES cohort [Table 4].
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17