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Maqboul et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:44  Page 15 of 19

 Table 5. Tips and tricks for robotic intracorporeal neobladder

 Stage of operation  Tip  Challenge and possible complication              Figure

 Demarcation of the   Easier to bring down in women. Adhesiolysis of ileal segment, and possible division of   Inability to bring the ileum into the pelvis may result in conversion to   Figure 1
 neobladder bowel   mesentery taking care not to compromise blood supply may help to bring ileum down in   ileal conduit
 segment  difficult cases
 Urethro-ileal anastomosis Sub-urethral to ileal serosa Rocco type suture, to allow for tension-free urethro-ileal   Without being tension-free, the anastomosis may break down,   Figures 2 and 3
 anastomosis  notwithstanding technical difficulty of suturing without losing its
            stabilizing effect
 Isolation of neobladder   10 cm for right ileal limb and 40 cm for left ileal limb, which will consist of 10cm ileal   Position of bowel that is re-anastomosed within right side of abdomen,   Figure 4
 bowel segment and re-  chimney, and 20 cm left lateral ileal limb .  and angle of stapler determined by fourth arm trocar position is
 anastomosis of the bowel  important. Re-anastomosis is done by using 60 mm then 45 mm staples,
            then closed with final 60 mm staples. Anastomotic leak is a potential
 Detubularisation of the   To set up closure of the posterior neobladder plate and the shape of the neobladder the   Opening ileal lumen over the suction tube helps prevent injury to   Figures 5 and 6
 ileal neobladder limbs and  position of 3 stay sutures is crucial   posterior wall of the ileum. Judicious placement of 3 stay sutures limits
 formation of the posterior  Open the ileal lumen over suction tube  technical difficulty of suturing posterior plate of the neobladder and
 plate      eases later folding and anterior closure. Potential complications include
            injury to posterior ileal wall and posterior neobladder leak or rupture
 Anterior neobladder   First suture from apex of left lateral limb to base of ileal chimney allows clear approach for   Judicious suturing will prevent neobladder leak or rupture  Figures 7-9
 closure  anterior neobladder closure
 Stent insertion  Using the seldinger technique, a venflon is inserted though the suprapubic area, and a   The robotic needle holder has to pass down the ileal chimney carefully to  Figure 10
 guidewire is introduced, over which the stent is passed. Within the abdomen, a robotic   prevent injury, and later the stents must be pushed into the renal
 needle holder is passed through the ileal chimney from top to bottom, ensuring the needle   collecting system. They are sutured together to the skin of the anterior
 holder is closed to prevent injury to the chimney. Once it emerges from the bottom of the   abdominal wall and removed at 14 days. They allow the uretero-ureteric
 chimney, the guidewire is grasped, and pulled out through the tip of the chimney. The stent   and uretero-ileal anastomoses to heal, and help to prevent ureteric
 is passed over the guidewire and fed down the ureter. This process is repeated for right and   stricturing, anastomotic breakdown and leakage
 left ureters
 Uretero-ureteric   Both ureters are elevated in the right side of the abdomen using the fourth arm. The   The orientation of the suturing should be followed meticulously to allow  Figures 11-14
 anastomosis  posterior ureteric plate is set up by the first suture, which is out to in on the lower medial   efficient progress. Poor technique may cause anastomotic leakage and
 side of the open right ureter, then in to out on the lower medial side of the left ureter, and   ureteric strictures
 then sutured. It is then brought back through the posterior surface of the right ureter from
 out to in. This opens up the posterior plate, so it is much easier to see the medial edges of
 each ureter. Finally, a running suture is passed superiorly closing the posterior surface of
 right to left ureters
 Wallace uretero-ileal   The first ileal chimney to ureteric sutures is below the stents and brings the ileal chimney at  One of the most technically challenging parts of the procedures, and   Figures 15-17
 anastomosis  6 o’clock to the lowest part of the uretero-ureteric anastomosis. This allows closure of right   important at the beginning to keep sutures below the stents. Poor
 side of ileal-ureteric anastomosis. The fourth arm can then be dropped to show the left side   technique may cause anastomotic breakdown and leakage
 of the uretero-ileal anastomosis, which is then closed under direct vision
 Completion of neobladder  Following this the rest of the neobladder is closed around the stents and inflated to test for   Judicious suturing to ensure tight closure. Potential complication is   Figure 18
 closure  leakage  neobladder leak
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