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Page 262                                                          Morales et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2022;6:257-65

               Table 1. Clinical features of previously and currently reported patients with SC4MOL deficiency

                                                 He et al. [6,7]  2011 & 2014       Frisso et al. [10]    Kalay et al.  2020     Morales et al. 2022
                                Case 1        Case 2        Case 3      Case 4      Case 5        Case 6          Case 7         Case 8
                Age at time of report   13    5             N/A         N/A         19            9               7              8
                Age at time of   13           2             N/A         N/A         19            9               7              2
                diagnosis (years)
                Gender          Female        Female        N/A         N/A         Male          Male            Female         Male
                Variants        c.519T>A,     c.G343G>A,    N/A         N/A         c.731A>G,     c.81A>C, p.(N27T)/   c.81A>C, p.(N27T)/   c.731A>G, p.(Y244C)/
                                p.(H173Q)/    p.(G115R)/                            p.(Y244C)/    c.81A>C, p.(N27T)  c.81A>C, p.(N27T)  c.536C>T, p.(P179L)
                                c.731A>G, p.(Y244C) c.G343G>A,                      c.605G>A, p.G202E
                Inheritance     AR            AR            AR          AR          AR            AR              AR             AR
                Ethnicity       Caucasian     Hispanic      N/A         N/A         Caucasian     N/A             N/A            Caucasian
                Consanguinity   N/A           N/A           N/A         N/A         N/A           +               +              -
                Failure to      +             +             N/A         N/A         +             +               -              + (transitory)
                thrive/growth delay
                Neurodevelopmental   Mild DD, ID  DD        N/A         N/A         DD, moderate ID,   Severe ID  Severe ID      DD/mild-moderate ID, autism
                findings                                                            OCD                                          spectrum disorder
                Microcephaly    +             +             N/A         N/A         -             +               +              -
                Structural brain   -          -             N/A         N/A         Blake’s cyst   Enlarged ventricles  Enlarged ventricles   N/A
                abnormalities                                                       Dysmorphic                    Corpus callosum
                                                                                    ventricles                    dysgenesis
                                                                                    Cerebellar                    Hypoplastic inferior
                                                                                    hypoplasia                    vermis
                                                                                                                  Enlarged cisterna
                Ocular findings  Congenital cataracts  Congenital   N/A  N/A        Congenital cataract Optic hypoplasia   Optic hypoplasia   Congenital cataracts
                                              cataracts                                           Strabismus      Strabismus     Nystagmus
                                                                                                  Myopia          Myopia
                                                                                                  Nystagmus       Nystagmus
                Skin findings (onset)  Generalized   Dry skin (N/A)  Psoriasiform   Psoriasiform   Mild scalp   Generalized   Perioral and anogenital  Transitory perianal
                                psoriasiform                dermatitis (early   dermatitis (early   sebopsoriasis  psoriasiform dermatitis  psoriasiform   psoriasiform dermatitis (7
                                dermatitis (2 years)        infancy)    infancy)                  (2 months)      dermatitis (3 years)  years)
                4-monomethylsterol   ↑↑       ↑↑*           ↑↑          ↑↑          ↑↑            N/A             N/A            ↑↑
                4,4′-dimethylsterol   ↑↑      ↑↑*           ↑↑          ↑↑          ↑↑            N/A             N/A            ↑↑
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