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Melnik et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2022;6:1-45                                       Page 17

               Table 3. Overactivated PI3K-AKT-mTORC1 signaling in PCa compared to milk signaling
                Factor  Prostate cancer                            Ref.          Milk-derived signaling                                Ref.
                GH      GH and GHR is expressed in PCa tissue; activates PCa cell   [215-218,228]  Milk consumption increases GH serum levels in children and adults  [212,213]
                        proliferation and PI3K; induces hepatic IGF-1 secretion; induces AR
                        splice variant 7
                IGF-1   Systemically and locally increased in PCa  [125-151]     Milk-induced IGF-1 increases serum levels in all age groups, component of bovine milk;  [212-213,229-235,
                                                                                 activates PI3K-AKT-mTORC1 signaling                   237-239]
                MFG-E8  Higher expression in PCa and serum exosomes of PCa patients;   [327,328]  Component of MFG membranes; MFG-E8 mRNA is a cargo of MEX; promotes PI3K-  [324-327,329,332]
                        interacts with αvβ5 integrin                             AKT-mTORC1 signaling
                Estrogens  ERα is expressed in PCa and promotes PCa progression; increases   [381-385]  Increased levels of milk estrogens of permanently pregnant dairy cows, especially   [373]
                        expression of AR and IGF-1 by E1 in PCa cells            elevation of E1
                miR-148a  OncomiR of PCa, correlates with Gleason score; targets the PI3K   [97-100,106-110]  Most abundant miR of bovine milk and MEX surviving pasteurization; identical with   [418,421,436,451,
                        inhibitor PIK3IP1 increasing PI3K activity; inhibits PTEN and   human miR-148a; targets DNMT1; enhances expression of INS, IGF1, and TOR and   454,478,464-467]
                        DNMT1 expression                                         suppresses AMPK activity
                miR-21  Biomarker and oncomiR of PCa progession; inhibits PTEN, FOXO1,  [69,70,78-95,456-  Signature miR of cow milk and MEX; increases in serum after milk consumption;   [420,422,438,451]
                        and SMAD7 expression; increases RUNX2 expression  458]   identical with human miR-21; bovine MEX miR-21 accumulates in peripheral murine
                miR-125b  Enhances PCa growth, suppresses p53, the inhibitor of AR and   [492-495]  Dominant and resistant miR of commercial milk  [428,465,481]
                miR-30d  OncomiR of PCa promoting RUNX2 expression; suppresses p53,   [494,498,510,511]  Belongs to the top 10 miRs of bovine milk; component of bovine MEX accumulating in  [418,436,437,490,
                        the negative regulator of AR and mTORC1                  distant murine tissues afer oral gavage               491]
                miR-155  Reduced expression of FBXW7 in PCa        [487,488]     miR component of cow milk; targets PTEN and FBXW7 and thereby activates mTORC1  [483,484,486]
                miR-223  Reduced expression of FBXW7 in PCa        [487,488]     miR component of cow milk; targets FBXW7 and attenuates proteasomal mTOR and   [485,486]
                                                                                 oncogen degradation
                miR-29b  Marker of EVs of PCa                      [524]         Dose-dependent increase in serum 6 h after milk consumption; attenuates BCAA   [359,517,525]
                                                                                 catabolism via targeting DBT; induces RUNX2 expression
                BCAA    PCa cells are leucine addicts and increase intracellular leucine   [46,49]  Compared to other protein sources, whey and casein proteins contain high amounts of  [277-298]
                        content via AR-mediated upregulation of LATs for mTORC1-driven   leucine as well as glutamine, critical amino acids activating mTORC1
                Palmitic acid PCa cells exhibit high uptake of palmitic acid; palmitic acid intake   [321,322]  Palmitic acid is the most abundant saturated fatty acid of milk triacylglycerols; palmitic  [311,318,319,333]
                        correlates with PCa risk                                 acid activates mTORC1 at the lysosome; MFG-E8 promotes fatty acid uptake and
                Aflatoxin   Rapid uptake of AFB1 in rat and dog prostate  [548]  Commercial milk is contaminated with aflatoxins; AFM1 levels rise in maize-fed cows  [537-541,548]
                (M, B1)
                mTORC1  Upregulated in PCa; involved in PCa intiation and progression;   [57-62,393]  Milk via insulin/IGF-1 signaling and milk-derived BCAAs (leucine) activates mTORC1   [20,21,154]
                        phosphorylation of ERα activating ER target gene expression  further augmented by milk-derived miRs, especially miR-148a and miR-21
                FoxO1   Inactivated by increased PI3K-AKT signaling, functions as nuclear   [41-44,53]  Nuclear FoxO1 inactivation by milk consumption via AKT-mediated phosphorylation   [609,611]
                        cosuppressor of AR                                       and nuclear extrusion
                Phytanic   Associated with PCa risk; increases γ-secretase activity, which   [339-342,353,362] Branched-chain fatty acid of milk, increased by organic milk production  [339-342]
                acid    cleaves CD44 that interacts with RUNX2
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