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Page 6                   Heinzer et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2024;8:1-12

               dependent and Rho GTPase-powered cytoskeletal rearrangements and membrane trafficking, the two
               processes required for neurite growth and development . Neurites are specific functional structures, which
               form when post-mitotic neurons differentiate into mature neurons in response to developmental signals .
               Furthermore, TRIO serves a role in glutamatergic neurotransmission and long-term potentiation (LTP)
               alongside its paralog Kalirin . As a form of synaptic plasticity, LTP strengthens glutamatergic synapses,
               which is postulated to be a mechanism underlying memory and learning . TRIO LoF mutants have been
               shown to affect dendritic branching, axon guidance, and synaptic transmission [46,50] . A number of studies
               have implicated TRIO in autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability .
               To date, XPO7 (Exportin-7) is one of the least characterised genes of the exportin family genes, with
               relatively little being known about its function . Like other exportins, XPO7 mediates the nuclear export of
               proteins with broad specificity and does so via GTP-dependent binding of cargo inside the nucleus . The
               encoded protein is a RAN GTPase and thus is also referred to as RAN Binding Protein 16. In addition to
               facilitating cargo export, XPO7 also acts as a nuclear import receptor for proteins with nuclear localisation
               signals . Recent studies have elucidated XPO7 as a novel senescence regulator . Given that senescence is a
               stress response that limits the replication capacity of old, damaged and preneoplastic cells, this gene’s role in
               cancer and neoplastic formation is being increasingly researched .
               AKAP11 (A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 11) encodes the AKAP11 protein, also known as AKAP220, which
               acts  as  a  scaffolding  protein . This  scaffolding  protein  binds  to  the  regulatory  subunits  of  the
               protein kinase A (PKA) holoenzyme, with the purpose of restricting PKA to discrete intracellular
               compartments [7,54] . This provides spatiotemporal regulation of PKA activity, as well as enabling substrate-
               specific targeting for phosphorylation and dephosphorylation . Due to this characteristic, AKAP11 is also
               classified as an autophagy receptor, mediating PKA activation, which in turn regulates cellular
               metabolism . Overall, the PKA protein is involved in a wide range of biological processes, one of which is
               neuronal plasticity, which has relevance for the investigation into neurodevelopmental disorders .
               Nonetheless, the role of AKAP11 in the brain and its biological role in psychiatric diseases remain largely
               uncharacterized .
               Investigations of these 11 genes and the functional roles of the gene products throw light on a variety of
               molecular mechanisms that may contribute to the schizophrenia pathophysiology. Since the association
               with schizophrenia is due to variants that cause loss of function of these genes, relevant in vitro and in vivo
               models can be established involving either heterozygous or homozygous knockouts . By exploring these
               newly established models and revisiting existing ones, further inferences about potentially implicated
               molecular pathways can be made. In particular, to date such investigations implicate chromatin
               modification, glutamatergic system dysregulation and ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) impairment as
               putative molecular mechanisms involved in the aetiology of schizophrenia.

               The identification of GRIN2A and SP4, both of which encode protein products implicated in NMDAR
               formation and functionality, adds further weight to the evidence from previous studies suggesting that
               impairment of NMDAR functioning is associated with symptoms observed in schizophrenia. Acute
               administration of the NMDAR antagonists phencyclidine (PCP) or methamphetamine (METH) can induce
               schizophrenia-like symptoms in human controls and regressive symptoms in schizophrenia patients [12,43,55] .
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