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Heinzer et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2024;8:1-12 Page 5
Figure 1. The cascade of reactions involved in the UPS. (A) The ubiquitination cascade involves the E1, E2, and E3 ubiquitin ligases and
produces a polyubiquitinated end-product. (B) The polyubiquitinated protein is then located by the proteasome which degrades and
deubiquitinates the protein. Created with
and the RAF-dependent MKK3/p38 signalling pathways, respectively . In humans, HERC1 mutations are
known to cause a variety of intellectual disability syndromes with or without cerebellar abnormalities .
Affected individuals are often diagnosed with macrocephaly, motor development delay, and epilepsy, in
addition to intellectual disability .
The protein encoded by RB1CC1 (RB1 Inducible Coiled-Coil 1) is a DNA-binding transcription factor (TF),
commonly referred to as FIP200 . It is responsible for activating the expression of the retinoblastoma
1 (RB1) gene by binding to the GC-rich region found upstream of the promoter . Additionally, it interacts
with various signalling pathways to regulate cellular processes in a coordinated fashion, including cell-cycle
progression, differentiation, and senescence, as well as neural migration and neurodegeneration . Overall,
there is strong evidence supporting the role of RB1CC1 as a tumour suppressor as it enhances the
expression of RB1, a gene in which mutational inactivation can lead to cancer .
SP4 (Specificity Protein 4 Transcription Factor) encodes a TF which is a member of the Sp/KLF family of
TFs . Similarly to RB1CC1, it recognises GC-rich sequences around the promoters of various genes and
activates transcription; however, SP4 TFs are restrictively expressed in neuronal cells . Common and rare
variants in SP4 have been elucidated as risk factors for schizophrenia, possibly through distinct pathological
molecular mechanisms . The SP4 gene has been proposed to play a crucial role in hippocampal
development and function and has also been associated with bipolar disorder in humans .
TRIO (Trio Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor) encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor
(GEF), which facilitates the activation of Rho GTPases . The TRIO RhoGEF protein regulates GEF-