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Cantone                                                                                                                                                                          Reversal of X chromosome inactivation

           or  structural abnormalities is often  found as  inactive   future to engineer selective Xi gene reactivation as a
           in  the  majority  of  somatic  cells  due  to  selection [3,4] .   novel clinical approach for several X-linked diseases.
           Many X-linked diseases are indeed asymptomatic in
           heterozygous females and manifest only in their male   Our current understanding of XCI and its molecular
           progeny . However, some X-linked mutations are lethal   mechanisms derives from studies in the mouse. During
           in males and lead to severe disease in heterozygous   mouse embryonic development, Xi gene silencing is
           females . For example, in the case of gene mutations   triggered by Xist, a long non-coding RNA that is up-
           with a dominant negative effect, expression of a wild-  regulated from the future Xi and spreads along the
           type  allele  from  50%  of  cells  is  not  able  to  rescue   chromosome domain [22] . Although the repertoire of Xist
           the  function  in  heterozygosity.  This  is  exemplified   interacting proteins has been recently identified, the
           by  UBQLN2 mutations that cause abnormal protein   precise molecular mechanisms by which Xist initiates
           aggregation and consequent neurodegeneration in    silencing are still unknown [23-27] . It is currently believed
           X-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis . Importantly,   that Xist might act as a scaffold to recruit further
           there are other diseases in which the compensatory   factors on the Xi, including Polycomb repressive
           effect of XCI in heterozygous females is not effective   complex 1 (PRC1), histone deacetylases, histone
           due to tissue-specific sensitivity to dosage unbalance   variants and the DNA methylation machinery [24,25,28-30] .
           and/or to skewed XCI patterns that favor the expression   Upon Xist coating the inactive X chromosome indeed
           of mutated genes. For example, expression of the wild-  becomes progressively devoid of RNA polymerase II
           type allele only from half of the cells may lead to loss of   and chromatin marks associated with transcriptionally
           function only in certain tissues but not in others, as for   active regions [31] ; whereas it is enriched of repressive
           mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene that specifically   marks such as H3K27me3 [32] , H3K9me2/me3 [33] ,
           cause  a  severe  brain  deficit  even  if  the  gene  is   H2AK119ub [34,35] , macroH2A1 [36]   and  promoter
           constitutively expressed [8,9] . In addition, in human some   DNA methylation [37] . The multitude of epigenetic
           genes escape inactivation and are variably expressed   modifications that are deposited along the Xi are
           from the Xi in different tissues of the same individual and   believed to maintain silencing in a redundant manner
           even  in-between different females [10] . This variability   as removing single factors does not lead to global
           in Xi expression has been suggested to influence the   gene reactivation. Supporting this hypothesis, it has
           penetrance and expressivity of X-linked diseases  as   been shown that Xi gene silencing is maintained in
           hypothesized for oro-facial-digital syndrome type 1 .   the absence of macroH2A1 histone variant [38]  and
           Finally, it has been shown that XCI skewing can also   upon functional loss of Polycomb repressive complex
           favor cells in which the wild-type allele is on the inactive   PRC2 and some PRC1 components, which catalyze
           X chromosome thus leading to the outbreak of disease   the deposition of the repressive chromatin marks
           in heterozygous females [12-16] .                  H3K27me3 and H2AK119ub respectively      [39,40] . A
                                                              recent study of several Xist interacting proteins has
           An important implication of the epigenetic regulation   also shown that knock-down of any single interactor
           of Xi gene expression is the preservation of the   could not reactivate an Xi-integrated GFP reporter,
           genetic material and, indeed, the presence of a    whereas combining targeting of each interactor with
           silent set of alleles for over a thousand genes on the   inhibition of DNA methylation and topoisomerases
           X chromosome. Reactivation of wild-type alleles in   leads to reactivation of 75-100 Xi genes out of around
           heterozygous females could potentially be harnessed   200 analyzed [25] . On the other hand, depletion of Xist in
           and might represent a therapeutic approach for many   somatic cells leads to a stochastic reactivation of single
           X-linked diseases. This is probably best exemplified   Xi genes [41]  that can be potentiated when combined
           by Rett syndrome, for which a phenotypic reversal of   with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors and DNA
           advanced neurological symptoms has been shown      demethylation [42] . Importantly, Xist depletion in mouse
           in both young and adult mice upon expression       fibroblasts has been shown to alter the Xi chromosome
           of a wild-type MeCP2  [17] . Importantly, rescue of   conformation making it more similar to the one of the
           disease symptoms has also been observed in         active X chromosome (Xa) [25] . In addition, silencing of
           human and mouse upon gene therapy of X-linked      factors that affect Xist expression and/or localization
           adrenoleukodystrophy [18]  and Hunter syndrome [19,20] ,   has been shown to partially reactivate the Xi [43,44] .
           two recessive X-linked diseases that also affect   Altogether these findings support the hypothesis that
           heterozygous females [16,21] . This suggests that the   multiple epigenetic layers are in place to prevent Xi
           usefulness of Xi reactivation in clinical approaches   reactivation and suggest a central role for Xist both in
           might be extended beyond dominant X-linked diseases.   the initiation and maintenance of XCI.
           Understanding the molecular mechanisms of Xi
           inactivation and reactivation will be instrumental in the   Cell fate reprogramming studies offer the opportunity

             2                                                        Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics ¦ Volume 1 ¦ November 16, 2017
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