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Cantone                                                                                                                                                                          Reversal of X chromosome inactivation

           degradation during differentiation [48] . Second, it directly   blastocyst  stages [60,61,103] .  However,  whether  bi-
           binds Xist in a Tsix-dependent manner. Interestingly,   allelic accumulation of XIST leads to dampening of
           depletion of Tsix during iPSC reprogramming does   X-linked gene expression remains to be determined.
           not compromise Xi reactivation neither iPSC colony   Interestingly, a human-specific long non-coding RNA,
           formation [52,98] , although it affects Xist repression and   named XACT, has been shown to localize to either
           Xi reactivation in the mouse embryonic epiblast [102] .  one or both X chromosomes in human embryos and
                                                              has been hypothesized to compete with XIST for
           iPSC reprogramming studies also gave further       binding along the chromosome [103,107] . Notably, XIST
           mechanistic insights in the role of  Xist during   RNA signal has a dispersed nuclear localization in
           Xi  reactivation [52] .  Kinetic studies  during  iPSC   human embryos suggesting that it might be delocalized
           reprogramming showed that loss of Xist RNA in      from Xi chromatin or bind only some chromosomal
           Nanog positive cells precedes bi-allelic expression of   domains [60,103] .
           X-linked genes, suggesting that Xist repression might
           be required for Xi gene reactivation. Supporting this   Xi reactivation in human pluripotent cells
           hypothesis, constitutive Xist expression decreased   Human  pluripotent  stem  cells  (i.e.  hESCs  and
           the reactivation of Xi genes within Nanog positive   hiPSCs) are epigenetically unstable ex vivo and
           cells without affecting reprogramming, whereas Xist   heterogeneous in their XCI state that varies between
           depletion did not alter Xi reactivation events neither   different cell lines and also among cells of the same
           its kinetics. This suggests that Xist repression might   culture [53-59,108,109] . Three different classes of hESCs
           be necessary but insufficient for Xi gene reactivation.   have been originally described based on  XIST
           Notably, bi-allelic expression of X-linked genes was   nuclear pattern and the transcription of CotI repeats
           enhanced upon combined deletion of Xist and inhibition   before and after differentiation [54] . Class I hESCs
           of DNA methylation, thus supporting the hypothesis that   were characterized by the absence of XIST RNA
           Xi reactivation requires both Xist silencing and DNA   signal and the presence of CotI transcripts from
           demethylation.                                     both X chromosomes. Upon differentiation of these
                                                              hESCs, XIST was upregulated and coated one of
           REPROGRAMMING-MEDIATED Xi                          the two X chromosomes whereas CotI transcription
           REACTIVATION IN HUMAN                              within the XIST-coated domain ceased. Collectively
                                                              these results suggested that class I hESC retain
                                                              two transcriptionally active X chromosomes and are
           Recent  studies  in  human  embryos  have  shown   able re-initiate XCI. XIST-coating and CotI exclusion,
           substantial differences between human and mouse    however,  were shown to occur spontaneously
           XCI [60,61,103]  [Figure 1A and C]. Differences concern   when class I cells were maintained in culture, thus
           both the status of the female X chromosomes in pre-  generating XaXi XIST  hESCs (class II). Finally,
           implantation embryos and the factors involved in the   class III hESCs were observed upon progressive
           regulation of XCI. It has been shown that the two   loss of XIST-coating in class II cultures. Notably,
           female X chromosomes are transcriptionally active   loss of XIST nuclear domain was associated with
           throughout human pre-implantation development and   promoter DNA demethylation and transcriptional
           both in embryonic and extraembryonic lineages [60] .   reactivation of some Xi genes [53,56] . However, these
           This contrasts with mouse embryos where several    class III hESCs could not re-establish XIST expression
           rounds of Xi reactivation/inactivation take place in   neither Xi gene silencing upon differentiation and
           the epiblast cells that give rise to the embryo proper   were considered subject to an “erosion” of dosage
           [Figure 1B], whereas imprinted XCI of the paternally-  compensation [53,54,59,110] . Interestingly, Xi reactivation
           inherited chromosome is maintained in extraembryonic   occurring during erosion was shown to localize
           cells [104] . Random XCI initiates in mouse epiblast   preferentially within chromosomal domains enriched
           cells around the time of implantation and is essential   with H3K27me3 [107] . These H3K27me3  domains
           for proper development [63,64,105,106] , while its precise   are lost upon erosion whereas H3K9me3-enriched
           timing is unknown in human [60] . Furthermore, a recent   domains, which spatially segregate along the human
           single cell RNA-seq study showed a progressive     Xi, remain unaffected. Surprisingly, loss of XIST is
           downregulation of both X chromosomes beyond        not directly associated with Xi gene reactivation as it
           the zygote genome activation stage through human   occurs afterwards. Reactivation and accumulation of
           preimplantation development, suggesting that a     XACT RNA along the Xi was instead observed ahead
           different dosage compensation mechanisms might     of XIST loss and Xi gene reactivation [Figure 2A] and
           be in place ahead of XCI [61] . Consistently with this   was indeed hypothesized to trigger the reorganization
           hypothesis, it has been observed that human XIST   of Xi heterochromatin domains and consequent
           RNA coats both X chromosome by the morula and      gene  reactivation.  As  XACT  coats  the  active  X
             6                                                        Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics ¦ Volume 1 ¦ November 16, 2017
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