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Page 63                    Chu et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2023;7:66-78

                Figure 1. Selected information booklets and promotional videos for Hong Kong Genome Project. (A) Information booklets and leaflets;
                (B) Hong Kong Genome Project Details - Animated Stories; (C) “See the Unseen” campaign - The Unseen Stories by patients; (D)
                Educational videos by clinical geneticists and medical professionals.

               specialized training . Similarly, in Hong Kong, to promote public engagement and enhance genomic
               literacy, the CEC of the HKGI planned to conduct stakeholder-specific initiates following the Strategic Plan
               2022-25 to reinforce awareness of genomic medicine, including (i) engagement with the general public by
               preparing thematic articles on genomic medicine media outlets and taking part in public and industry
               events to promote HKGI and HKGP; (ii) engagement with the media to cultivate support for HKGI; (iii)
               engagement with stakeholders to identify and connect with relevant patient groups and professional bodies,
               and collaborate with the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine to showcase HKGI’s commitment in nurturing
               talents and fostering research in genomic medicine; and (iv) enhancement of online marketing by making
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