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Chan et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2024;8:13-34                                          Page 127

               The growing number of glucose-lowering drugs with different mechanisms of action calls for better patient
               segmentation to prioritize treatment selection . Using HOMA indexes, GADA, age, BMI, and age of
               diagnosis, researchers classified patients with type 2 diabetes into five subtypes. Patients with severe insulin
               resistance had a high risk of chronic kidney disease, while those with autoimmune or severe insulin
               deficiency required early insulin treatment . These studies had been replicated in other populations,
               including Chinese, in whom severe insulin-deficient type was more common and mild age-related diabetes
               was less common than their European counterparts. In all five subtypes of diabetes, Chinese patients had an
               earlier age of diagnosis, lower BMI, HOMA-beta, and higher HbA1c [130,131] . In a cross-sectional analysis,
               Chinese patients with YOD had lower beta-cell function with a steeper negative relationship between beta-
               cell function and disease duration than that in their late-onset counterparts .

               Despite the organ-protective effects of SGLT2i and GLP1-RA, such evidence mainly came from high-risk
               patients with complications. Optimal glycemic control remained the cornerstone in diabetes management,
               and given the variable phenotypes suggestive of contribution from different etiologies, more studies are
               needed to guide treatment based on phenotypes or genotypes . For example, in the Trimaster Study,
               patients with type 2 diabetes and an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 60-90 mL/min/1.73m  were more
               responsive to DPP4i than SGLT2i. Patients with low BMI (< 30 kg/m ) were also more responsive to DPP4i
               than thiazolidinediones . Apart from its proven benefits in preventing diabetes, metformin also reduces
               the risk of vascular, renal, cancer, and pneumonia events and all-cause death in type 2 diabetes . There is
               also evidence suggesting that patients with predominant insulin deficiency may benefit from the addition of
               insulin secretagogues (e.g., SU), prandial insulin regulators (e.g., GLP1-RA, DPP4i, AGI), or insulin
               treatment, while those with insulin resistance, often due to obesity, might benefit more from weight-neutral
               or weight-reducing therapies such as GLP1-RA and SGLT2i [135,136] . In a proof-of-concept analysis, we
               stratified patients with type 2 diabetes by CP and insulin treatment and reported that patients with low CP
               and treated with insulin had the lowest mortality rate .
               In the VERIFY Trial, newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes treated with combination therapy of
               metformin and DPP4i had more durable glycemic control and 30% reduced risk of progression to insulin
               treatment compared to those treated with metformin monotherapy followed by DPP4i only with rising
               HbA1c . These effects were particularly evident in patients with YOD . In a real-world database,
               patients with type 2 diabetes, the majority of whom were on metformin and/or SU, those with additional
               DPP4i within 2 years of diagnosis had a 30% reduced risk of insulin treatment compared to those with
               additional DPP4 after 3-5 years of diagnosis . These findings highlight the importance of early diagnosis,
               early intervention, and early control in preserving beta-cell function, especially in patients with
               compromised beta-cell function. Against a backdrop of the declining use of SU, increasing popularity of
               SGLT2i, and advocacy of using GLP1-RA to replace insulin, the importance of better classification cannot
               be emphasized enough to ensure timely and appropriate treatment for maximizing efficacy (e.g., SU in
               patients with HNF1α- and HNF4α-MODY) and reducing side-effects (e.g., insulin analogs in patients with
               LADA or severe insulin insufficiency to avoid diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycemia). Despite their
               heterogeneous phenotypes and treatment responses, there is a lack of RCT data to guide diagnosis and
               treatment in these high-risk patients with YOD .
               Perinatal development, environmental exposure, socioeconomic status, migration, education, and health
               behaviors  can interact in a complex manner to cause childhood obesity, which can track into adulthood
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