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Clédel et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:119­39  I  Page 135 of 139

                                               Table 3. Glossary : Resilience definitions
                        Notion        Ref.                           Title
                        Origins       [13]  The children of Kauai A longitudinal study from the prenatal period to age ten
                                      [11]  Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems
                                      [14]  Resilience and Vulnerability Adaptation in the Context of Childhood Adversities
                                      [12]  Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses
                        A system property  [11]  Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems
                                      [19]  Designing resilient engineered systems
                                      [16]  Resilient control systems: Next generation design research
                                      [15]  A metric and frameworks for resilience analysis of engineered and infrastructure systems
                                      [20]  Resilient control for critical infrastructures and systems
                                      [17]  Organisational resilience and industrial risk
                                      [18]  Properties of resilient organizations: an initial view
                        Service delivery  [23]  Basic concepts and taxonomy of dependable and secure computing
                                      [22]  From dependability to resilience
                                      [21]  Resilience and survivability in communication networks:
                                          Strategies, principles, and survey of disciplines
                                      [25]  On the definition of cyber-physical resilience in power systems
                                      [24]  Cyber-Physical Resilience: Definition and Assessment Metric
                        Events handling  [28]  On the Definition of Resilience in Systems
                                      [26]  A resilience assessment framework for infrastructure and economic systems:
                                          Quantitative and qualitative resilience analysis of
                                          petrochemical supply chains to a hurricane
                                      [29]  Resilience engineering of industrial processes: Principles and contributing factors
                                      [27]  Systems Resilience for Multihazard Environments:
                                          Definition, Metrics, and Valuation for Decision Making
                                      [2]  Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks: Principles and Best Practices
                        Other definitions  [33]  A proposed resilience framework

                                               Table 4. Glossary : Resilience properties

                     Notion               Ref.                          Title
                     Absorbability        [36]  Resilience for the Scalability of Dependability
                                          [22]  From dependability to resilience
                                               A resilience assessment framework for infrastructure and economic systems:
                                          [26]  Quantitative and qualitative resilience analysis of
                                               petrochemical supply chains to a hurricane
                                          [29]  Resilience engineering of industrial processes: Principles and contributing factors
                                          [20]  Resilient control for critical infrastructures and systems
                                          [25]  On the definition of cyber-physical resilience in power systems
                                          [35]  Essential characteristics of resilience
                     Adaptability         [36]  Resilience for the Scalability of Dependability
                                          [37]  Validation of innovative state estimation and control techniques
                                          [22]  From dependability to resilience
                                               A resilience assessment framework for infrastructure and economic systems:
                                          [26]  Quantitative and qualitative resilience analysis of
                                               petrochemical supply chains to a hurricane
                                          [20]  Resilient control for critical infrastructures and systems
                                          [30]  Defining resilience
                                          [35]  Essential characteristics of resilience
                     Recoverability            A resilience assessment framework for infrastructure and economic systems:
                                          [26]  Quantitative and qualitative resilience analysis of
                                               petrochemical supply chains to a hurricane
                     Other capacities, descriptions  [36]  Resilience for the Scalability of Dependability
                                          [22]  From dependability to resilience
                                          [34]  Resilient industrial control system (RICS): Concepts, formulation, metrics, and insights
                                               Resilience and survivability in communication networks:
                                          [21]  Strategies, principles, and survey of disciplines
                                          [29]  Resilience engineering of industrial processes: Principles and contributing factors
                                          [33]  A proposed resilience framework

               not always trivial. For example, even if some authors do not differentiate robustness and resilience in theory,
               the fact that these notions had originally been developed in independent scientific domains and in different
               communities produces a difference of usage in practice.
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