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Page 2 of 2                                                     J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2020;6:2  I

                Chen, Dongquan        Karsdal, Morten        Péchoux, Cécile       van den Berg, Anke
                Chen, Pai-Sheng       Kato, Yasumasa         Penna, Fabio          van Norren, Klaske
                Cheung, Chun Hei Antonio  Ke, Zunfu          Peters, Godefridus J.  Varadan, Vinay
                Chowdhury, Imran      Keshamouni, Venkat     Pisanu, Maria Elena   Vetto, John T.
                Christophi, Christopher  Kim, Chae-Yong      Porter, Weston        Videira, Paula
                de Amorim, MariaGalli  Kimple, Randall       Potdar, Pravin D.     Wagner, Kay-Uwe
                De Wagter, Carlos     Kniss, D. A.           Prosperi, Jenifer R.  Wang, Bingcheng
                Demonacos, Constantinos  Kovacevic, Zaklina  Raffa, Vittoria       Wasilewska-Tesluk, Ewa
                Deppert, Wolfgang     Kratochwil, Clemens    Ralph, Stephen        Wei, Dao-yan
                Dittmer, Jürgen       Kwok, Hang Fai         Reagan, Michaela      Wendt, MIchael
                Djamgoz, Mustafa B.A.  Lam, Eric W.-F.       Ricciardelli, Carmela  Werner-Wasik, Maria
                Dorfman, Ruslan       Lannin, Donald         Richer, Jennifer      Wrona, Anna
                Fang, Bingliang       Lappano, Rosamaria     Sacco, Antonio        Wu, Yadi
                Fedele, Monica        Lee, Choonik           Saha, Achinto         Würth, Roberto
                Ferrari, Paola        Lee, Minhyung          Sankhwar, Satya Narayan  Xavier, Jennifer
                Frassanito, Maria Antonia  Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt  Schiemann, William  Xi, Yaguang
                Fujino, Hiromichi     Lemos, Henriquede Paula  Schneider, Sallie S.  Xu, Chuanshan
                Gaidano, Gianluca     Li, Zhaoyu             Schuller, Hildegard   Xu, Ren
                Gambari, Roberto      Liao, Shuen-Kuei       Shin, Vivian Yvonne   Yang, Shihan
                Gao, Alan             Lin, Hongyu            Shivapurkar, Narayan  Yang, Yong
                Gao, Yenan            Liu, Huiyu             Siddiqui, Rafat A.    Yazdanparast, Razieh

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               Authors’ contributions
               Writing and revision of the article and approved the final version: Journal of Cancer Metastasis and
               Treatment Editorial Office.

               Availability of data and materials
               Not applicable.

               Financial support and sponsorship

               Conflicts of interest
               All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

               Ethical approval and consent to participate
               Not applicable.

               Consent for publication
               Not applicable.

               © The Author(s) 2020.
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