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Page 20 of 25              Kondapuram et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:32  I

               Table 2. FDA approved drugs for various human diseases that are reported to have autophagy modulating activity
                SI. No. Drug          Mode of action            FDA approved use        Nature of the modulator
                1     Temozolomide    Alkylating agent          Glioblastoma multiforme    Autophagy inducer
                2     Rapamycin       Inhibits mTOR             Transplant rejection       Autophagy inducer
                3     Metformin       Activates AMPK            Type 2 Diabetes            Autophagy inducer
                4     Gefitinib       PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway     Metastatic non-small cell lung cancer   Autophagy inducer
                5     Bortezomib      Activates AMPK            Multiple myeloma           Autophagy inhibitor
                6     Sodium Phenylbutyrate  Improves cathepsin D and B activities   Urea cycle disorders and acute   Autophagy inhibitor
                                      and lysosomal-autophagic function  promyelocytic leukemia
                7     Carbamazepine   Reduces inositol and Ins (1,4,5)P3 levels Epilepsy   Autophagy inducer
                8     Verapamil       Inhibits Ca  channel lowers   Hypertension           Autophagy inducer
                                      intracytosolic Ca  levels
                9     Rilmenidine     Reduces cAMP levels       Hypertension               Autophagy inducer
                10    Choloroquine and   Inhibits lysosomal function  Malaria, Lupus and rheumatoid   Autophagy inhibitor
                      Hydroxycholoroquine                       arthritis
                11    Pantoprazole    Proton pump inhibitor, increased   Erosive esophagitis  Autophagy inhibitor
                                      endosomal pH
                12    Celecoxib       Inhibits cyclooxygenase 2  Rheumatoid arthritis and   Autophagy inhibitor

               Carbamazepine is a FDA approved anticonvulsant drug for the treatment of epilepsy. Evidences indicate that
               carbamazepine diminishes hepatocellular death in autophagy dependent manner. A study on SW480 colon
               cancer cell lines revealed that carbamazepine decreases β-Catenin and VEGF levels, resulting in antitumor
               activity [117] . Verapamil and Rilmenidine are well known drugs for the treatment of hypertension and now
               these drugs are under investigation to unravel their role as autophagy modulators in cancer. Autophagy
               induction has been observed upon treatment with verapamil in COLO 205 cells with cytoprotective
               activity [118] . It has been observed that Rilmenidine promotes autophagy in an mTOR independent manner,
               however the reduction in disease progression has not been observed [119] .

               Pantoprazole is a protein pump inhibitor used to treat certain esophagus and stomach related problems.
               Various studies reported that pantoprazole sensitized cancer cells to anticancer drugs by suppressing
               autophagy induction in time- and dose-dependent manner [120-122] . Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-
               inflammatory drug that is FDA approved for Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis treatment. Recent
               studies have evaluated celecoxib activities in cancer and reported its antitumor effects in solid tumors.
               Also autophagy reduced significantly upon treatment with celecoxib in imatinib resistant chronic myeloid
               leukemia cells [123] . All together, although these drugs have proven to be useful in various human diseases,
               currently many studies are investigating their impact in cancer though autophagy modulation.

               Autophagy is a conserved cellular process that is essential for the cells to cope-up with adverse conditions,
               such as the lack of nutrients or bacterial/viral infections. In such conditions, autophagy plays a pro-survival
               role by recycling the cellular components by lysosomal degradation and also helps in the removal of
               pathogenic organism by sequesterization and degradation. Because of its central role in maintaining cellular
               homeostasis, alterations in the autophagic process through aberrant signaling has been linked to several
               disease states such as cancer and neurodegeneration, among others. In cancer, autophagy has the role of a
               double edge sword, with tumor suppressing activity during the initial stages of cancer development and pro-
               survival effects in the later stages of cancer development.

               The relevance of autophagy modulation in cancer is increasingly appreciated and many therapeutic targets
               involved in autophagy process have been identified. In this review, we highlighted the role of promising
               autophagy signaling pathway/biomarkers that could be modulated for cancer therapy. Further, we also
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