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Page 4 of 23 Monks et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:24 I
Table 1. Epidemiological studies showing the relationship of serum APN and cancer
Study types Study outcome Ref.
Colorectal cancer - CRC
RCC P < 0.001; P = 0.037 [29]
1. APN is significantly lower in CRC;
2. APN inversely correlates to tumor stage;
3. Lower APN is associated with CRC recurrence
P < 0.05 [67]
1. Lower APN;
2. No correlation visceral fat & APN in CRC or adenoma
P < 0.001 - Lower APN in CRC [68]
1. OR = 0.0802 (0.321-1.003) for CRC risk [69]
2. OR = 0.442 (0.189-0.946) for adenoma risk - APN is good marker for adenoma
OR = 0.72 (0.53-0.99) for CRC risk, P = 0.005 - Lower APN correlates to CRC risk and APN inversely [30]
correlates to tumor grade
PCC 1. RR = 0.55 (0.35-0.86), P = 0.02 for men highest vs. lowest quartile [28]
2. RR = 0.96 (0.67-1.39), P = 0.74 for women
APN significant associated with reduced risk in men but not women
RR = (0.23-0.78); P (trend) = 0.01 - Men with low APN had a higher risk of CRC [27]
1. RR = 0.71 (0.53-0.95), P = 0.03 for total APN when comparing highest vs. lowest quintile [70]
2. RR = 0.45, (0.34-0.61), P < 0.0001 for non-HMW APN
Total & non-HMW APN inversely correlates to CRC risk
P > 0.05; OR = 0.8 (0.5-1.4) for highest vs. lowest APN quartile [71]
No significance correction between APN & CRC risk
P > 0.05 - No significance association [72]
Gastric cancer - GC
RCC P = 0.0004 - APN levels were significantly lower in Stage I cases than controls [73]
P < 0.005 - Negative correlation with pathologic findings such as tumor size, depth of invasion, tumor [74]
stage (only in undifferentiated GC)
RCC P > 0.005 - No significant difference in tumor stage, localization, nodal status, lymphatic and vascular [75]
Oesophageal cancer - OC
RCC P < 0.05; P < 0.05 - Significantly lower APN levels in ESCC & EA patients than controls [76]
EA patients had lowered APN than ESCC
HR = 0.34 (0.14-0.82) - Nonlinear inverse association with risk of EA; the strongest associations were [77]
observed in 2nd tertile
P = 0.01 - Serum APN was significantly lower in cases than controls [78]
P = 0.802 - APN levels were similar in various esophageal pathologies [79]
Breast cancer - BC
PCC 1. Adjusted OR = 0.2 (0.0-0.6); P < 0.05; 80% reduced risk in higher APN compared with stage I-III [41] [40,41,80]
2. Adjusted OR = 0.04 (0.071-0.99) - Lower APN in early breast cancer vs. healthy controls [80]
3. P = 0.04 - 65% reduced risk in higher APN compared with stage I-III [40]
1. P < 0.005 (for tumor size); P < 0.05 (for grade); > 2 cm tumor & Grade 2&3 BC cases were higher in [42,43]
lower tertile of serum APN [42]
2. P = 0.036 - Negative correlation with tumor size [43]
P (trend) = 0.0270 - Inverse trend in ER/PR -ve BC (for not +ve) [44]
Adjusted HR = 0.39 (0.15-0.95) - Higher APN was associated longer BC (stage I-IIIA) survival [81]
Adjusted HR = 0.88 (0.81-0.96); P = 0.03; Lower APN was associated with a history of prior pT1mic/pT1a [82]
& higher risk of second BC in premenopausal and 12% reduction in risk of BC per unit increase of APN
1. P = 0.017 [83] [83,84]
2. OR = 0.805 (0.704-0.921); P = 0.00 [84]
Lower APN was associated with nodal disease [83,84]
Post-menopausal OR = 0.73 (0.55-0.98) but pre-menopausal OR = 1.30 (0.80-2.10) (all women OR = 0.89 [85]
Negative correlation in post-menopausal women
P = 0.43 for linear trend - No association with risk [45]
Endometrial cancer - EC
PCC OR = 0.56 (0.36-0.86) highest vs. lowest APN quartile [86]
Negative correlation independent of other obesity-related risk factors
OR = 0.42 (0.19-0.94) comparing highest vs. lowest tertile [48]
Inverse association with risk of EC
Stronger association in pre-menopausal than post-menopausal
RCC OR = 0.52 (0.32-0.83); P < 0.001 - Significant negative correlation between APN level and EC risk [87]
P < 0.001; P < 0.05 - Significantly lower APN in EC patients than normal or polyps epithelium patients [88]
P < 0.0001 - Significantly reduced APN in cases than controls; [89]
Leptin:APN ratio correlated to post-menopasual EC risk