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Page 2 of 8                      Elzaafarany et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:14  I

               Table 1. The 8 large taxanes trials which compare adjuvant taxanes-anthracyclines to the standard of care regimens: (4 AC, 6
               FAC, 6 FEC, and 6 oral-CMF)
                Trial name     CALGB 9344   NSABP-B28 BCIRG-001 PACS-01   E 2197  GEICAM 9906 GEICAM   AGO
                Year of publication  2003    2005     2005    2006    2008      2008     2010    2014
                Number of patients  3121     3060     1480    1999    2882      1246     1060    2011
                Control arm     4 × AC       4 × AC   6 × FAC  6 × FEC  4 × AC  6 × FEC  6 × FAC  6 × FEC
                                (escalading dose                                                 or
                                of A)                                                            6 × CMF-oral
                Taxanes arm     4 AC → 4 P   4 AC → 4 P  6 × TAC  3 FEC → 3  4 × AT  4 FEC → 8   6 × TAC  4 EC → 4 D
                                                              D                 weekly P
                Taxanes dose    Paclitaxel   Paclitaxel  Docetaxel  Docetaxel  Docetaxel  Paclitaxel  Docetaxel  Docetaxel
                                175 mg/m 2   225 mg/m 2  75 mg/m 2  100 mg/m 60 mg/m 2  100 mg/m /W 75 mg/m 2  100 mg/m 2
                LNs status for eligible   Positive  Positive  Positive  Positive  66% -ve   Positive  Negative  1-3 +ve LNs
                patients                                              LNs and the
                                                                      rest are 1-3
                                                                      +ve LNs
                % of patients completed  92%  75%     91%     96%     94%       99.5%    94.5%   81.2%
                full taxanes course
                Statistically significant   DFS  DFS  DFS     DFS     Negative  DFS      DSF     EFS
                benefit         OS                    OS      OS                                 OS
                Absolute        5%           4%       7%      5.2%    0%        6.4%     4.8%    5-year EFS
                5-year DFS difference                                                            2.5%
                Absolute        3%           NA       6%      4%      NA        NA       NA      1.7%
                5-year OS difference
                Subgroup who get   ER -ve    Not affected   +ve 1-3 LNs +ve 1-3 LNs DFS with   ER -ve  No   ER +ve plus
                significant benefit          by ER status     &       ER/PR -ve  Her2 -ve  difference  KI67 ≥ 20%
                                                              age ≥ 50  ER+/PR-  Also, depend  among all
                                                              years             on LNs status  patients’
                                                                                and tumor size subsets
                NF or neutropenia %   Granulocytopenia   NF 3%  NF 25%  NF 11.2%  Grade III   NF 9.5%  NF 9.6%  NF 3.7%
                with taxanes arm  ≤ 500                               neutropenia                (G-CSF
                                was 16 %                              26%                        prophylaxis
                                                                                                 was allowed)

               AC: doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide; EC: epirubicin-cyclophosphamide; FAC: doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide-5-fluorouracil; TAC:
               docetaxel-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide; FEC: epirubicin-cyclophosphamide-5-fluorouracil; CMF: cyclophosphamide, methotrexate,
               fluorouracil; OS: overall survival; DFS: disease free survival; EFS: event-free survival; G-CSF: granulocyte-colony stimulating factor; ER:
               estrogen receptor; PR: progesterone receptor; LN: lymph node; NF: neutropenia with fever; NA: not available
               meta-analyses, to provide a well-organized and appealing summary. The primary endpoints of taxanes trials
               differed, overall survival (OS) is being the primary endpoint in some while disease free survival (DFS) in
               others. We start by discussing OS trials followed by DFS, as OS is considered the most valuable outcome in
               adjuvant cancer trials.

               Four large randomized controlled trials showed statistical significant OS benefit from adding taxanes to
               anthracycles in the adjuvant settings of early-stage breast cancer. Those trials are discussed below.

               CALGB-B 9344 trial
               This landmark trial was conducted by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) from USA and published
               in 2003. It randomized 3121 breast cancer patients with positive axillary lymph nodes (LNs) after surgery
               to receive 4 cycles of doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide (AC) regimen followed by either 4 cycles of paclitaxel
               (175 mg/m ) vs. placebo. Adding paclitaxel to AC resulted in 5-year DFS of 70% compared to 65% in AC only
               arm, furthermore it resulted in 5-year OS of 80% vs. 77% in AC only arm . It concluded that escalating the
               doxorubicin dose did not add a significant benefit, but adding paclitaxel resulted in a statistical significant
               advantage in both DFS and OS compared to non-paclitaxel arm.
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