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Warawdekar et al.                                                                                                                                           CTCs from patients with metastatic breast cancer

           and suitable approach.                             in expression of the selected genes across clinical
                                                              samples, estimate copies/mL in blood samples and
           There  are  several  technologies  which  have  been   enable direct comparison of samples across time
           developed and are available for CTC enrichment     points of collection. Thus, besides characterization, a
           and detection as cited in literature.  [12,13]  The   quantitative measure of gene expression translating
           current standard method that has been widely       to numbers of CTCs can be obtained.
           used in large multicenter clinical trials world-wide
           and which continues to be preferred is the FDA-    This methodology was substantiated with blood
           approved quantitative, semi-automated, Cell Search   samples  obtained  from  patients  and  healthy
           system, [14,15]   which  assesses  7.5  mL  of  blood.  It  is   normal  individuals.  Blood  from  22  patients
           based  on  the  epithelial  cell  adhesion  molecule   with metastatic breast cancer and 20 healthy
           (EpCAM/CD326)      conjugated   immunomagnetic     individuals was  separated  on  a  Ficoll  gradient  to
           enrichment followed by microscopic imaging         obtain  the  peripheral  blood  mononuclear  cells
           using positive immunostaining of cytokeratin (CK),   (PBMCs)  fraction,  positively  enriched  for  EpCAM,
           negative immunostaining of leucocyte common        quantitatedby flow cytometry and validated with
           antigen CD45, and DNA staining with DAPI.          QRT-PCR for the presence of CTCs.

           The literature shows that almost 60% of studies on   METHODS
           detection and enumeration of CTCs have preferred
           methods using reverse transcription polymerase     Materials
           chain  reaction (RT-PCR) because  of  its sensitivity   DMEM, RPMI 1640, Fetal Calf Serum (FCS), Trizol,
           and low cost as compared to using the Cell Search   High  capacity  cDNA  kit, TaqMan assays  for  CK-19,
           technology. One such RT-PCR kit-based technology   EpCAM, MUC1, Her2neuand GAPDH, 2 X TMM, and
           is the Adnagen assay. [16,17]  This entails enrichment on   PBS were procured from Invitrogen Life Technologies
           the basis of epithelial and tumour-specific antigens,
           isolation of RNA, conversion to cDNA and subsequent   (Carlsbad, CA, USA). RNeasy plus micro kit was
           amplification of tumour-associated genes and a control   from Qiagen, GmBh, D-40724, Hilden, Germany.
           gene for normalization. Amplified cDNA samples are   FcR blocking reagent, CD326 (EpCAM) Microbeads,
           then analyzed on a chip system (Bioanalyzer) and   MACS BSA Stock Solution, rinsing buffer, and
           simultaneously  compared  with  positive  controls  of   washing buffer were purchased from Miltenyi Biotec
           each gene provided in the kit.                     GmBH, Germany. Ficoll-Paque PLUS was procured
                                                              from GE Healthcare, Bio-Sciences  AB, Uppsala,
           Strategies using cell-imaging, quantitative RT-PCR   Sweden. EDTA vacutainer tubes were from Greiner
           (QRT-PCR)   and  flow  cytometric  detection [19-21]   for   Bio-One, Austria. All other chemicals were obtained
           enumeration and characterization of CTC shave also   locally and were of analytical grade.
           been employed.
           The purpose of this study was to devise a feasible,   CD326 (EpCAM) antibody conjugated to APC (clone
           relatively  low-cost  methodology  which  would    HEA-125),  pan-Cytokeratin  antibody    conjugated  to
           enumerate CTCs as well as validate their assessment.   FITC (clone CK3-6H5), CD45 antibody conjugated to
           The protocol for enumeration was developed using   PerCP (clone 30F11.1), mouse IgG1 isotype control
           tumor cells from cell lines of breast cancer subtypes   antibodies (clone-IS5-21F5) conjugated to FITC,
           spiked in a lymphoid cell line and its quantitation by flow   APC, and PerCP were purchased from Miltenyi Biotec
           cytometry. Cells of human mammary cancer subtypes   GmBH, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany.
           were spiked into a Jurkat cell line which served as
           the lymphocyte designate in numbers from 10 to     Buffers
           500 per 10  Jurkat cells. This mixed population was   Separation buffer composition: phosphate-buffered
           then probed for CD45, EpCAM, and pancytokeratin    saline (PBS; pH 7.2), 5% bovine serum albumin
           acquired on a flowcytometer and quantitated. Similar   (BSA), 2 mmol/L EDTA prepared by diluting MACS
           spiking experiments were done for QRT-PCR and      BSA Stock Solution with auto MACS™ rinsing solution
           expression of CK-19, MUC-1, EpCAM, and GAPDH.      (1:20);  FACS  buffer  contains  0.02%  NaN ,  1%  FCS
           The methods described by others  [22,23]  have been   in PBS (pH 7.4); Saponin buffer for permeabilization
           adapted for quantitation of CK 19, EpCAM, MUC-1,   contained 0.1% saponin in FACS buffer.
           and Her2neu. Data pertaining to these methods have
           been generated and any one of these methods can    Cell lines
           be used. Our method will overcome the differences   Human mammary carcinoma cell lines: MCF-7,
            24                                                                 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ February 23, 2017
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