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Kataria et al.                                                                                                                                                                            Day care unit in radiation oncology

           Figure 1: Reason-Reason for admission, Sx-Post surgery, GA-General anaesthesia, support-Supportive care, CT-Patient on concurrent
           Chemotherapy by medical oncology, Met-Treated for metastasis, Local/Distant-Measure of daily travel by patient; RT start-starting of
           radiation therapy. Procedure: minor invasive procedures
           The day care unit remains the heart of our on-     Conflicts of interest
           treatment patient coordination activities for several   There are no conflicts of interest.
           reasons. The unit helps provide personalized care to
           each patient in each visit, and offers suggestions for   Patient consent
           patient health problems. It  also provides supportive   Patient consent was obtained from the patients.
           care to patients in the form of IV fluids and injectable
           analgesics, under supervision. The day care unit also   Ethics approval
           provides specialized  procedures like brachytherapy   This article does not contain any intervention  with
           and recovery from short-term anaesthesia.          human participants or animals.

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           oncology and radiotherapy patients are increasing   REFERENCES
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           Financial support and sponsorship                     of cancer patients: avoidable practice or necessary care? PLoS One
           Nil.                                                  2015;10:e0120827.

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