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Xiong et al. ECM in tumor progression
deposited by cancer cells promotes cell proliferation, Conflicts of interest
migration, invasion, metastasis, multidrug resistance, There are no conflicts of interest.
and tumor-associated angiogenesis. [15,56,57] TNC that
is derived from disseminated tumor cells promotes Patient consent
lung metastasis by enhancing NOTCH and WNT No patient involved.
signaling pathways [Figure 1]. [8,16,18] In addition, cancer
cell-derived ECM proteins (fibronectin, collagen, and Ethics approval
laminin) protect cancer cells from chemotherapy- This article does not contain any studies with human
induced apoptosis via activation of the PI3k/AKT participants or animals.
pathway [Figure 1]. [72,73] REFERENCES
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362 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ September 18, 2016