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FXR EXPRESSION  AND  REGULATION IN                 of  pro-inflammatory  cytokines,  such  as  interleukin
            NORMAL INTESTINAL MUCOSA                           (IL)  1-beta,  IL-2, IL-6, tumor  necrosis factor-alpha and
                                                               interferon-gamma,  thereby  reducing  inflammation  and
            FXR is  expressed  primarily  in  the  GI tract,  liver  and   intestinal permeability.  Torres  et  al.   showed that
            kidney. [22,23]  Modica  et al.  showed that  murine  FXR   FXR expression  was inversely  correlated with  neoplastic
            (Nr1h4) is expressed at high levels in the small intestine   progression  and  the  severity  of  colonic  inflammation  in
            and colon, whereas human FXR (NR1H4) is expressed at   UC. FXR expression  is  also  reduced  in  colonic  mucosa
            moderate levels in the colon. FXR expression is localized   from patients  with primary  sclerosing cholangitis  (PSC)
            primarily  to  fully  differentiated  cells  lining  the  intestinal   and UC-associated  neoplasia. Compared  to patients  with
            epithelium  of the  ileum  and colon.  In the  Apc min/+    UC  alone,  those with  PSC-UC have  diminished  FXR
            murine  model  of  CRC, FXR messenger  RNA (mRNA)   expression in the right colon suggesting they are at a higher
            levels were down-regulated in tumor tissue compared with   risk of proximal colon neoplasia. [37]
            adjacent normal mucosa. Likewise, in patients with familial
            adenomatous  polyposis (FAP) syndrome, FXR mRNA    FXR AND COLON CARCINOGENESIS
            expression was decreased in normal and neoplastic tissues.
            In a human CRC cell line, HT-29 cells, restoring wild-type   Although the above observations strongly implicate FXR
            APC  protein induced FXR  expression, suggesting that   as a  tumor suppressor, the  underlying mechanism
            APC may directly or indirectly regulate FXR expression.    is incompletely understood. No mutations  have  been
            FXR can also be regulated at the transcriptional level by   identified  in  the  FXR  gene  in  CRC.   Several  studies
            the  caudal-related  homeobox  2.   Moreover,  Bailey  et   suggest  the  role  of  FXR in  colon  carcinogenesis  is
            al.  showed that DNA methylation and KRAS signaling   multifactorial. Modica  et  al.   showed the  importance
            silence  FXR in human CRC. In approximately, 12% of   of  Wnt  signaling and  apoptosis downstream  of FXR.
            human colon cancers and in several colon cancer cell lines,   FXR promotes Wnt signaling with the expansion of basal
            including  SW620, FXR promoter methylation  of a CpG   proliferative intestinal cells, and a concomitant reduction
            island results in very low FXR expression.  Cabrerizo et   in the apoptosis-competent apical epithelium. When FXR
            al.  found FXR promoter methylation at two additional   is activated  in  CRC cells,  induction  of  apoptosis results
            CpG islands (-358 and -1890 bp). Furthermore, functional   in  the  removal  of  genetically  altered  tumor  cells.  The
            analysis of the 5’-promoter region of the human FXR gene   same investigators showed that FXR activation increased
            in HepG2 cells suggests that hepatic nuclear factor 1a may   expression of several pro-apoptotic genes, including FAS,
            be a transcription factor for FXR. [28]            BAK1, P21, KLF4, FADD, CAS9 and P27. Maran et al.
                                                               showed  that  FXR  deficiency  increases  intestinal  cell
            FXR IS AN INTESTINAL TUMOR SUPPRESSOR              proliferation,  accompanied  by  up-regulation  of  cyclin
                                                               D1  and IL-6.  In addition,  it was  shown  that  sodium
            In addition to its essential role in regulating lipid metabolism,   taurocholate inhibits intestinal tumorigenesis by activating
            emerging evidence supports a key role for FXR as an   FXR, leading to increased Shp expression and consequent
            intestinal tumor suppressor. In two mouse models of CRC,   down-regulation of cyclin D1. [31]
            Apc min/+  and chronic colitis, Modica et al.  showed  that
            FXR  deficiency  increased  adenoma  size and number. In   Several  other potential mechanisms may account for FXR
            a xenograft model, they showed that FXR reactivation via   inhibition of intestinal tumor genesis. Peng et al.  showed
            adenoviral infection blocked tumor growth. Using Apc min/+    that Src-mediated  cross-talk between  FXR and  the EGFR
            and azoxymethane-induced mouse models of CRC, Maran   inhibited human intestinal cell  proliferation in vitro and
            et  al.   confirmed  that  FXR  was  an  intestinal  tumor   growth of  human colon  cancer xenografts  in nude  mice.
            suppressor.  Smith  et  al.   showed  that  activating  FXR   Yang et al.  has showed that FXR is a transcription factor
            with sodium  taurocholate  markedly  reduced  adenoma   for microRNA-22, and also a tumor suppressor which
            formation in Apc min/+  mice.                      silences cyclin A gene expression in  colon cancer  cells. In
                                                               inflammation-associated  intestinal  neoplasia,  activation  of
            FXR is  down-regulated  drastically  in  colon  tumors  from   FXR is repressed by pro-inflammatory cytokines that activate
            both murine (Apc min/+ ) and human FAP models of CRC.    intestinal  nuclear  factor-kB  signaling;   the  investigators
            FXR mRNA  expression  is  reduced  in  colon  adenomas   concluded that FXR not only inhibits inflammation, but also is
            and even more profoundly in colon adenocarcinomas. [32,33]    targeted by the inflammatory response, resulting in a vicious
            Diminished  FXR  expression is  associated  with  advanced   cycle where reduced FXR activity causes less repression of
            CRC stage and an adverse prognosis. [26,33]        inflammation. Zhou et al.  also showed that  activation of
                                                               the  PPARα-UGT  axis  repressed  intestinal  FXR-FGF15/19
            Colon cancer  risk  increases  substantially  with  chronic   feed-back  and exacerbates experimental  colitis, thereby
            intestinal  inflammation  as  in  inflammatory  bowel   possibly  promoting  intestinal  tumorigenesis. In  mice,  both
            disease, including both Crohn’s and ulcerative  colitis   PPARα  knockout  and  treatment  with  recombinant  FGF19
            (UC). [34,35]   FXR  activation  decreases the  production   strongly attenuated dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. [41]

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦  25
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