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higher than 20%, and so these are generally reserved to   on a group of heterogeneous NENs in terms of the site
            chemonaïve patients when the clinical condition does not   of primary  tumor  and biology  (well  differentiated,
            allow  therapy  with  multiple  agents.  Poly-chemotherapy   progressive on biotherapy, poorly differentiated).  This
            regimens have shown  greater activity  as evidenced by   study indicates that oxaliplatin may be effective, both in
            numerous  phase  II studies  and  retrospective  analyses.   digestive NETs and extra-digestive, especially low-grade.
            Drugs with activity in this setting belong to the class of   The role of oxaliplatin was studied by another group  in
            alkylating  agents  [streptozotocin  dacarbazine  (TMZ)],   a retrospective analysis of a heterogeneous population in
            anti-metabolites  (5-fluorouracil,  capecitabine)  and,   terms of primary tumor, biology, and disease progression
            more recently, oxaliplatin.  Streptozotocin  (STZ) is one   at  baseline.  All patients  except  one  had  a  low-grade
            of the  drugs most  commonly  proposed in  patients  with   tumor  according  to  2000  WHO  classification  but  Ki67
            pancreatic NETs (pNETs), but it is not marketed in Italy.   was only available in 4 of 20 patients. There was a RR
            It has been much criticized due to its toxicity, especially   of 84%, 7 months for PFS and 23 months for OS. More
            renal and because some studies have reported very high   recently, another group explored the activity and toxicity
            ORR but based on often questionable evaluation methods   of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in an Italian muticenter
            of response.  The  most  reliable  study  had  84 pNETs   “real  world” study.  A heterogeneous population  of 78
            patients treated with a combination of 5-fluorouracil (5-  NENs with well-detailed  tumour  characterization  was
            FU), adriamicin,  and STZ with a 39% partial  response   analyzed between 1999-2013 and found that an oxalipatin-
            (PR) but 20% had moderate-to-severe toxicity, especially   based regimen to be active and well-tolerated, including in
            in terms of neutropenia and asthenia.             previously treated patients. [68]

            Dacarbazine has been used in a mixed population in Italy   Metronomic chemotherapy
            in combination with 5-FU and epirubycin with 30% partial   The various way of chemotherapy administration currently
            response rate.  The same combination used in a mixed   represents an interesting  issue.  The NENs are highly
            population of patients, predominantly pretreated, with low   vascularized neoplasms so angiogenesis plays a key role
            grade tumors and an intermediate proliferation index. The   in the growth of these tumors. For this reason, metronomic
            result was a good disease control and the demonstration   chemotherapy,  defined  as  continuous  administration
            that chemotherapy may also be active in patients with non   of a  low-dose chemotherapeutic  drug, could  have  an
            pNETs, GEP, NETs, and non-GEP NETs. [20]          antiangiogenic-reducing  effect. One group 5-FU with
                                                              octreotide  LAR, reaching 23 months  TTP in patients
            Recently, new combinations have been tested in phase II   with GEP NETs.  The same group has also shown that
            trials. Temozolomide is an alkylating agent used in NETs due   expression of thymidylate synthase, an enzyme involved
            to its oral use. There are some retrospective and prospective   in the metabolism of 5-FU, reduces time to progression
            studies showing activity but, because of the small number   (TTP) and OS in patients  with GEP NETs treated  with
            of patients involved and the variety of regimens used, it is   5-FU.   A phase II single arm trial  with metronomic
            difficult to recommend the best regimen. Interesting results   capcitabine  in combination  with octreotide  LAR and
            have emerged from a retrospective  analysis published   bevacizumab  has been used in patients  with intestinal
            in 2011 in association with capecitabine in pNETs naïve   NENs.  The study was conducted from 2006 to 2009 in
            for any type of chemotherapy.  The high response rate   5 centers and included 45 patients with well/moderately
            (70%) and low toxicity  led to a prospective  phase II   differentiated,  locally  advanced  or metastatic  disease,
            study conducted in the US to validate this combination.   from various origins. Some were chemonaive  and were
            Methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) is an enzyme   progressing on SSA or radioreceptor therapy. Metronomic
            that acts by methylating oxygen in position 8 of guanine,   capecitabine  was  administered  at  a  fixed  dose  of  2,000
            allowing repair of damage induced on DNA and making   mg per day in combination with octreotide LAR 20 mg
            the expression of the enzyme inversely proportional to the   every 4 weeks and bevacizumab at 5 mg/kg, intravenously,
            response to the TMZ itself. In a retrospective analysis of 97   every 2 weeks. There was a > 80% (PR + stable disease),
            patients with NETs (pancreatic, intestinal, lung carcinoid   especially in patients with GEP NENs, but when responses
            tumors) treated  with  TMZ, the  authors showed that  the   were analyzed  for the  primary  tumor site a higher RR
            lack of expression of MGMT is more common in pNETs   in patients  with pancreatic  neuroendocrine  neoplasms
            than in carcinoids  and demonstrated a partial response   (pNENs) was observed  than  those with  extrapancreatic
            rate of 34% in pNETs and only 2% in carcinoids.  These   NENs.  Temozolomide was used with a metronomic
            observations suggest that  the state  of MGMT could be   schedule as well. The dose was 100 mg daily continuously
            a potential  predictor of response to alkylating  agents in   in combination with bevacizumab and octreotide LAR in
            NETs and therefore that studies of MGMT in tumor tissue   a group of 15 patients with low-grade NEN (Ki67 < 20%)
            are needed.                                       of various origins, functioning and non-functioning, and
                                                              progressive on at least first-line therapy. Partial responses
            As  regards the platinum derivatives, in 2006 a clinical   were 57% with 9 months TTP.  It is noteworthy that 47%
            study conducted by Italian Trials in Medical Oncology    of patients had pNEN and 67% had an NEN with Ki67 less
            evaluated the combination of capecitabine and oxaliplatin   than or equal to 5%. The authors conclude that the very
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 31, 2016 ¦        317
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