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(GEP NETs) are classified on the basis of their proliferation   (RR) was similar between NECs (40%) and NETs (33%).
            rate as assessed by either mitotic index (MI) and/or nuclear   In  a more recent Eastern retrospective  analysis, 21
            Ki67 (WHO 2010).  Low-grade or G1 are those with   untreated patients with NECs of hepato-biliary-pancreatic
            0-2% Ki67 and/or < 2 MI per 10 high power fields (HPF),   tract (with 10 pancreatic NECs), CDDP was administered
            intermediate-grade or G2 those with 3-20% Ki67 and/or   at 80 mg/m  day 1 and VP-16 at 100 mg/m  per day for 3
            2-20 MI per 10 HPF, high-grade or G3 those with > 20%   days, every 3 weeks. RR was 14%, but with a short PFS
            Ki67 and/or > 20 MI per 10 HPF. G1 and G2 are called   (1.8 months) and OS (5.8 months) and high toxicity.  To
            neuroendocrine  tumors  (NETs) and  G3 neuroendocrine   date, some questions still remain: first, the potential role of
            carcinomas  (NECs).  This  terminology  is only  valid   alternative regimens to platinum-based chemotherapy, and
            for  GEP  NETs.  According  to  the  WHO  classification   then the homogeneity of the category of NECs in terms
            (2004),  lung NETs are classified as: typical carcinoids,   of biological aggressiveness and chemosensitivity. About
            with < 2 mitoses per 10 HPF and lacking necrosis; atypical   any  alternative  regimens,  the  experts  have  suggested
            carcinoids, with 2-10 mitoses per 10 HPF and/or punctate   that carboplatin instead of cisplatin or irinotecan instead
            necrosis; large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas, with > 10   of  etoposide  are acceptable  options  for extrapulmonary
            mitoses per 10 HPF (median 70), coarse nuclear chromatin   NECs.  This is based on data from small cell lung cancer
            and extensive necrosis; and small cell carcinomas with >   rather than experiences in the NECs, although in a recent
            10 mitoses per 10 HPF (median 80), even chromatin and   Scandinavian retrospective analysis of over 200 patients
            extensive  necrosis.  Therapeutic  options  include  local   with advanced GEP NECs treated with chemotherapy, the
            treatments  such as surgery, as well as interventional   platinum-based  regimens (particularly  cisplatin  versus
            radiology and systemic treatments, such as chemotherapy,   carboplatin) did not influence the response and survival in
            SSAs, interferon  α2b,  peptide  receptor  radionuclide   a statistically significant way.  In this analysis the patients
            therapy  and,  as only  for pancreatic  NETs, molecular   with Ki67 < 55% were less responsive (15% vs. 42%; P =
            targeted agents  including everolimus and sunitinib.  0.001) but lived longer (14 vs. 10 months; P < 0.001) than
                                                              those with Ki67 > 55 %. On this basis, in patients with
            Chemotherapy in neuroendocrine carcinomas         NEC and Ki67 < 55% it is possible to consider alternative
            Chemotherapy  is the  most  common  treatment  approach   chemotherapy  regimens  than  those  which  are  platinum-
            in  advanced  NECs.  Although  these  neoplasms  appear   based. Such observations, while  respecting  the existing
            relatively  chemosensitive their prognosis is dismail.   classifications,  could  be  a  starting  point  for  research  to
            Cisplatin [Compound Danshen Dripping Pills (CDDP)]/  define,  within  the  NECs  group,  a  different  category  of
            etoposide [vepeside-16 (VP-16)] is the most often proposed   neoplasms, less aggressive and that,  therefore,  could  be
            regimen chemotherapy based on the assumption that the   treated in a different way from that usually proposed. A
            clinical behavior of NECs is similar to that of lung small   recent retrospective publication reported the results about
            cell carcinomas. The literature, however, is rather scant in   the  treatment  with  CDDP + Irinotecan  in  16 patients
            this regard and is limited to studies rather dated. In 1991,   with advanced GEP NECs. The response rate was 51%,
            Moertel et al.  treated 45 metastatic NENs patients, 14   median PFS 5.5 months, and OS 10.6 months.  A further
            of which derived from GEP tract. The regimen consisted   subgroup of  patients  with  GEP  NENs G3 (WHO 2010)
            of VP-16 130 mg/m  per day for 3 days and CDDP 45 mg/m    is represented  by morphologically  well-differentiated
            per day for 2 days, on days 2 and 3, every 3 weeks. Only 18   neuroendocrine neoplasms while having Ki67 > 20% and/
            patients had a NEC. The rate of objective tumor responses   or mitosis > 20/10 HPF. Recent reports suggest that these
            was clearly  different  between  NECs (67%) and NETs   tumors have a better prognosis than other GEP NECs and
            (7%). In NECs the time to tumor progression (TTP) was   are less responsive  to conventional  chemotherapies. [60,61]
            11 months and OS 19 months, reflecting a still unfavorable   Second-line chemotherapy  after platinum-containing
            prognosis. Since then, CDDP/VP-16 has been considered   regimens has not been well defined. Reports of literature
            the standard regimen in NEC.  In 1999, in a retrospective   are very scarce. FOLFIRI regimen was administered in a
            French analysis, 53 patients with advanced NENs received   series of 19 patients with GEP NECs who had received
            CDDP 100 mg/m  per day + VP-16 100 mg/m  per day for   platinum-based  chemotherapy  as  first-line.  Objective
            3 days, every 3 weeks. Forty-one patients had NEC and   response  rate  (ORR) was 31%  and  tumor  control  was
            20 a neoplasm arising from the GEP tract (13 pancreatic).   62%.  In another published  experience,  temozolomide
            This  was  first-line  chemotherapy  in  70%  of  NEC.  The   was used as second line, alone or in combination  with
            response rate, once again, was clearly different between   capecitabine  +/-  bevacizumab.  Response rate  was 33%,
            NECs (42%) and NETs (9%). Median PFS survival was   with a median duration of 19 months, PFS 6 months and
            9 months in NECs and 2 months in NETs. However, OS   OS 22 months. [63]
            was 15 months in NECs and 18 months in NETs.  A third
            study included 36 patients with advanced NEN of which   Chemotherapy in neuroendocrine tumors
            only 9 were NECs, while the remaining 27 NENs were   In NETs, chemotherapy may be considered in therapeutic
            included only due to their rapid clinical progression. The   strategy because it can contribute to tumor and symptom
            regimen was VP-16 100 mg/m  per day for 3 days + CDDP   control by reducing extent of disease. Therapy based on a
            45 mg/m  per day for 2 days, every 4 weeks. Response rate   single-agent chemotherapy have shown ORR usually not
                                                                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 31, 2016 ¦
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