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The choice of which targeted agent should be used first   Locoregional  therapies:  is  there  an  impact  on
            still remains a challenge for physicians dealing with   patients’ survival?
            advanced pNETs. No comparative study of everolimus   In some cases (especially  with a functional  syndrome)
            versus sunitinib in this setting is available yet.  Thus,   when a complete resection is not possible, debulking
            since phase III trials have demonstrated a similar   surgery can be performed to improve prognosis and quality
            efficacy in terms of PFS, the choice is mainly based on   of life. This approach can be based on the combination
            the evaluation of other elements, including the toxicity   of surgery on primary and secondary tumors and loco-
            profile, patients’ comorbidity, and physician’s expertise   regional treatments (i.e., trans-arterial liver embolization,
            with these drugs.  An additional point of interest that   TAE;  trans-arterial  chemoembolization,  TACE;
            should  be  considered,  besides  the  physician’s  personal   radiofrequency ablation). Embolization is contraindicated
            clinical experience when managing these drugs, is the   in patients with portal vein thrombosis, liver insufficiency,
            larger population of NET patients treated with everolimus   biliary obstruction or prior  Whipple procedure.  The
            in comparison with sunitinib reported in the literature. In   presence of portal vein occlusion or ascites hepatic tumor
            fact,  more than  600 advanced  NET patients  have been   burden > 75% of the total liver are considered relative
            treated in the RADIANT trials, [25,26,28]  in comparison with   contraindications.  In a retrospective  study in patients
            the 86 patients included in the sunitinib trial. [27]  with pNETs, chemoembolization  showed better  results
                                                              when compared with bland embolization (response: 50%
            G3 NECs: is platinum-based chemotherapy           vs.  25%, respectively).   However, no  clear  difference
            always required?                                  between TAE and TACE in terms of clinical outcome has
            According with the  WHO 2010 classification,  the   been reported so far.
            group of G3 NECs were identified with a proliferation
            index (Ki67) > 20% (or > 20 mitotic count per 10 HPF).   Another experimental approach to metastatic disease is
            International guidelines [29]  suggest the use of platinum-  selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT), based on the
            based systemic chemotherapy in G3 NEC patients due   intra-arterial deliver of Yttrium-90 microspheres to the
            to the rapidly metastatic behavior of these tumors, and   lesions. Although results seem appealing, they are from
            the extremely poor prognosis in comparison with other   retrospective series, and a recent study comparing this
            NETs with lower proliferative activity (G1 and G2).   technique to TAE and TACE over a 10-year period did
            However, this category constitutes a heterogeneous   not show any advantages of SIRT in terms of time to
            group of diseases, including both well-differentiated and   disease progression.
            poorly differentiated tumors based on morphological   The wide range in response rates and survival duration
            features, with different implications in terms of patients’   in various studies in terms of patient population and
            prognosis and therapeutic approach. [30,31]  Overall,   tumor  profile,  the  extent  of  liver  involvement,  and
            median PFS reported with platinum-based first-line   the presence of extra-hepatic metastases is reflection
            approach ranges from 4 to 9 months. [31]  However, this   of the heterogeneous tumor biology of this disease.
            data mostly derives from non-randomized trials, with   Gupta  et al. [33]  found that patients treated with liver
            small series of patients evaluated by a retrospective   embolization with carcinoid tumors had a higher
            design approach, and usually enrolling a heterogeneous   response rate (66.7% vs. 35%; P < 0.0001), longer time
            series of patients in terms of therapeutic schedules and   to progression (TTP) (22.7 months vs. 16.1 months, P
            biological features of the tumor (primary site, staging,   < 0.046), and better OS (33.8 months vs. 23.2 months;
            Ki67 index).                                      P < 0.012) compared to patients with pNETs. Roche et
                                                              al. [35]  found non-pancreatic NETs (P < 0.006), absence
            Data  reported  by the  Nordic group study  proposes to   of extra-hepatic lesions (P < 0.03), unresected primary
            consider G3 NECs with Ki67 < 55%, as a different entity   (P < 0.012) and TACE as first-line (P < 0.028) were
            that exhibits less aggressive behavior and responds well   significant for complete response to liver emoblization,
            to platinum-based  chemotherapy, in comparison with   and less hepatic involvement (< 30%) significantly
            other G3 NECs. This specific subgroup of patients might   improved morphological response (P < 0.016).  There
            be considered as a separate disease in which therapeutic   is no conclusive evidence in the literature that the loco-
            approaches other than platinum-based  should be tested.   regional therapies improve survival rate.
            Indeed, the role of everolimus  in G3 NECs is under
            investigation in phase II trials in several different clinical   CONCLUSION
            settings  (MAVERIC- EudraCT: 2014-003951-72, www.
  , NCT0211380,   Despite  recent  advances  in  the  knowledge  of digestive
            NCT02248012).                                     NETs, there are still many controversial  aspects about
                                                              the management  of these patients.  There is a dire need
            Further  prospective  studies  are  required  before   for further multicenter studies designed to clarify gray
            considering therapeutic options based on targeted agents   areas such as the sequence of medical therapies in patients
            as the standard treatments in G3 NECs.            with advanced disease, the opportunity for a conservative
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