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unresectable disease;                         must  be  meticulous  and  consider  several  prerequisites
                                                              including: (a) the presence of well‐differentiated lesions;
                In “functioning tumors” the symptomatic control is a   (b) the absence of extra‐abdominal disease; and (c) the
                major therapeutic goal;                       absence of diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis. [8]

                In advanced end-stage disease, palliative symptomatic   In  the  literature,  clinical  studies suggest  that  there  is  a
                therapies are required to maintain patient’s quality of life.  possible  benefit  in  terms  of  survival  when  performing
                                                              surgical  removal of primitive  pNETs if metastases  are
            In the present paper, some controversial  issues on the   present.  However, in the retrospective studies that
            therapeutic approach for NET patients will be discussed.  evaluated the role of surgery in pNETs with unresectable
                                                              liver  metastases,  there  is a selection  bias for patients
            SURGICAL  THERAPY                                 related  to the localization  of primary tumors and the
                                                              type of surgical approach, the patient status in terms of
            Small  incidental  non-functioning  pancreatic    comorbidity, age and performance status.  In the Partelli et
            NETs (pNETs): should they always be removed?      al.  paper, the 5-year overall survival (OS) after surgical
            Surgical treatment of pNETs must always be planned and   resection was 76% with an increase to 88% after curative
            adapted  to each  individual  patient  considering  several   resection. Although palliative surgery was associated with
            variables, including patient  characteristics  and disease   an  improved  outcome,  surgical  management  should  be
            stage. Some studies have recently suggested tumor diameter   reserved in highly selected patients due to the high risk of
            as the main criterion for surgery with radical intent. [2,3]  For   peri/postoperative complications.
            pNETs ≤ 2 cm, and in the absence of symptoms and/or
            suspected metastatic lesions, a conservative wait-and-see   Small  intestinal  NETs  (SI-NETs)  with  liver
            approach may be adopted in selected cases, scheduling a   metastases: should the primary  tumor be
            clinical and radiological follow-up. [4-7]  Pancreatic NETs ≤   resected?
            2 cm of diameter have a risk of “malignancy” of about   Surgical treatment of SI-NETs is affected by disease clinical
            6%, while 5-year disease mortality is 0%.  In the small   presentation.  For SI-NETs diagnosed  as  stage  I-III,  the
            and sporadic non-functioning pNETs,  the mean overall   choice of therapy is always surgical bowel resection with
            tumor  growth (difference  between  size  at  last  follow-  lymphadenectomy. [11-13]  Curative resection of the primary
            up and initial  size) was 0.37 (+/-1.67) mm.  Mean   tumor and regional lymph node metastasis site improves
            growth per month was 0.010 (+/-0.051) or 0.12 mm per   long-term outcome, with a 100% 5-10 year survival for
            year corresponding to a growth percentage of 1.5% (+/-  patients with stage I and II tumors and more than 80% for
            5.5) from the initial tumor size per year. The incidental   patients with stage III jejuno-ileal NETs.  In the presence
            diagnosis and the absence of symptoms seem to correlate   of synchronous liver lesions, surgical treatment  is still
            with a better  prognosis in this subgroup of patients.    highly debated.  A recent  systematic  review  analyzed
            Histological confirmation of tumor neuroendocrine origin   the studies in the literature  on the surgical  resection  of
            by endoscopic ultrasonography with tissue sampling is   the  primary  tumor  in patients  with SI-NETs and distant
            required  before  planning  a  patient’s  management.  The   metastases.  Although it  was not  possible  to  conduct  a
            primary tumor localization is an additional major factor   meta-analysis  of these  works, the  conclusions  suggest
            to determining the surgical approach. Finally, the patient’s   improved survival after surgical removal of the primary
            comorbidities and willing should always be considered in   tumor in patients with metastatic unresectable disease and
            the surgical management of pNETs.                 a reduction in local complications (bleeding, perforation,
                                                              and occlusion). In association with the intestinal resection,
            Despite  recent  progress,  morbidity  remains  significant,   cholecystectomy should be performed in order to prevent
            indeed,  it  is necessary to  carefully  evaluate  the  type   gallstones  due to long-term  treatment  with somatostatin
            of surgery, the  risks of surgery and the  risks related  to   analogue. [16]
            tumor growth in advance. Based on these considerations,
            conservative non-surgical management may be proposed   MEDICAL  THERAPY
            in selected patients with small, incidental non-functioning
            pNETs.                                            Being characterized by a relatively long OS, multiple
                                                              sequential therapies are adopted in digestive NETs although
            Pancreatic NETs with liver metastases: should     the best sequence for these patients is not well defined.
            the primary tumor be resected?
            The presence of metastases is the main factor associated   Somatostatin analogs (SSAs):  are they indicated
            with mortality  in pNET patients. Surgical options for   for all NET patients?
            patients, including those with metastatic disease, include   SSAs clearly represent the first-line treatment for patients
            different procedures such as curative liver and pancreatic   with functioning NETs. As far as non-functioning tumors
            resection,  primary  resection,  local  ablative  techniques,   are concerned, SSAs can control tumor proliferation, as
            and liver transplantation. In these cases, patient selection   shown by two randomized clinical trials. The PROMID
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦        305
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