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increase in the proportion of long-term survivors with   Sigmond  et al.  demonstrated that gemcitabine could
            the addition of chemotherapy, from less than 5 percent to   pass the blood-tumor barrier in GBM patients. In tumor
            approximately  15-20  percent,  regardless  of  the  patient’s   samples, concentrations of gemcitabine and its active
            performance status, the histological features of the tumor,   metabolite dF-dCTP were high enough to enable radio
            the duration of symptoms or age (up to 65 years). [5]  sensitization, which warrants clinical studies using
                                                               gemcitabine in combination with radiation.
            However, the combination  of radiotherapy  with  TMZ
            completely changed standard therapy, since this improved   Weller  et  al.   and  Metro  et  al.   indeed  showed  that
            the median  survival  and  overall  survival.  However,   gemcitabine combined with RTH was an active regimen,
            not  all  patients  benefit  since  an unmethylated  promoter   but whether it was more effective than RTH alone remained
            of methylguanine  methyltransferase  (MGMT)  enables   elusive.  The combination gemcitabine-RTH followed by
            extensive  repair  of  TMZ-adducts  and  these  patients  do   temozolomide showed promising activity.  Preliminary
            not  benefit  from  temozolomide  and are eligible  for   results of another phase I study showed that gemcitabine
            development  of alternative  therapies.  Moreover, TMZ   combined  with  radiotherapy  is  efficient  and  tolerable  in
            is relatively  a  poor radiosensitizer  compared  with  other   high grade glioma.  The aim of our study was to evaluate
            cytotoxic drugs,  However, the group of nucleoside analogs,   the  activity  of  gemcitabine with  RTH as  a treatment
            including  gemcitabine  are  excellent  radiosensitizers. [8,9]    modality in newly diagnosed high- grade gliomas and
                                                               temozolomide was administered after progression only.
            Gemcitabine  has been evaluated as a radiosensitizer  for
            several tumor types, both in model systems and patients. [8,10]    METHODS
            Gemcitabine, an analogue of deoxycytidine, enters the cell
            by the action of a nucleoside transporter  and it is activated   This was single center, phase II, open label,  one arm
            by phosphorylation in a reaction catalyzed by deoxycytidine   non-randomized  trial  designed  to  determine  the  efficacy
            kinase (DCK), to gemcitabine monophosphate (dFdCMP)   and safety  of gemcitabine  combined  with therapy  in the
            and  subsequently  phosphorylated  to  the  5’-diphosphate   treatment  of  patients  with  newly  diagnosed  malignant
            (dFdCDP)  and triphosphate (dFdCTP) derivatives. [12,13]    glioma.  The Research Ethics Board of Assiut University
            Gemcitabine  exerts  its  cytotoxicity  mainly  through  the   Hospital  approved the  study.  All patients  gave written
            irreversible incorporation of the activated  triphosphate   informed consent before starting treatment.
            into DNA,  resulting in chain termination.  Due to a
            number of self-potentiating  mechanisms,  gemcitabine   Patients
            exhibits prolonged intracellular retention, a property likely   Eligible  patients  had histologically  proven malignant
            partially responsible for gemcitabine’s broad spectrum of   glioma (grade 3 or 4). Patients were at least 18 years of
            activity. [14,15]                                  age; had the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
                                                               performance status < 3, had adequate bone marrow reserves
            The  standard  dose  of  gemcitabine  (1,000  mg/m ) given   (hemoglobin > 9 g/dL, absolute granulocytes > 1.5 × 10 /L,
            over 30 min results in high gemcitabine peak levels   platelets > 100 × 10 /L), and acceptable serum chemistries
            (>  20  µmol/L),  which  rapidly  decline  below  1  µmol/L   (serum calcium in normal range (8.8-10.2 mg/dL), serum
            within 2 h. [16,17]  However, DCK is saturated at much lower   creatinine < l.5 × upper limit of normal, bilirubin < 1.5 ×
            gemcitabine levels and in vitro and  in vivo sensitivity to   upper limits of normal and AST (aspartate transaminase) <
            gemcitabine is most optimal at prolonged exposure to low   3 × upper limits of normal).
            drug levels in the nanomolar range. [18-20]  Therefore, it was
            reasoned that prolonged infusion of gemcitabine,  which   Patients  were  excluded  if  they  were  <  18  years  old,  had
            would result in prolonged but lower plasma concentrations   previous invasive  malignancies  or received  previous
            of gemcitabine, would be  advantageous. [16,21]   The  fixed   chemotherapy or radiotherapy, had poor medical conditions,
            dose  rate  of  10  mg/m /min  infusion  of  gemcitabine   or were pregnant,  nursing or not practicing  effective
                                                               contraception if appropriate.
            gives  this  pharmacodynamic  advantage over the 30
            min infusion,  resulting  in a prolonged formation and   Assessments and treatment plan
            retention  of gemcitabine  nucleotides which favour the   Pre-treatment evaluation included a history and physical
            activity of gemcitabine. A phase II trial showed that fixed   and neurological examination, laboratory (complete blood
            dose rate gemcitabine  can improve survival in patients   picture, liver and kidney function, serum calcium level)
            with pancreatic adenocarcinoma but the difference was not   and imaging studies (baseline CT and MRI brain) and a
            significant in a randomized study.  Single agent studies   baseline toxicity evaluation.
            of gemcitabine  in high grade glioma  did not show any
            benefit, [23,24]  so that  development of gemcitabine  for this   After surgery of patients with malignant gliomas for either
            disease was discontinued. However, gemcitabine has shown   cytoreduction  or a biopsy, patients received  fractionated
            a radiosensitizing effect in a number of human glioma cell   local  RTH at a daily dose of 2 Gray (GY) per fraction,
            lines [25-27]  and in an animal model system. [28]  five days per week for six weeks (total dose of 60 GY).

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