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chemoresistance. [100]  Signifi cant associations were found   pathogenesis of the disease and of the biological basis
            among the biomarkers, which support the chaperone   for outcome disparities. Furthermore, the consequent
            function of CD147, as corroborated by others.  We   emergence of UBC biomarkers will allow us to identify
            also observed that CD147, MCT1, and MCT4 were     patients at increased risk of recurrence, progression,
            upregulated [Figure 1e-g], being signifi cantly  associated   metastasis,  and/or  chemorefractoryness,  informing
            with a poor clinicopathological profi le,  namely,   us about more effi cient treatment and surveillance
            advancing stage, grade, type of lesion, and occurrence   strategies. In addition, biomarkers may improve
            of LVI. Moreover, MCT1 and CD147 overexpressions   prediction of response to treatment and guide us to an
            were associated with poor prognosis, particularly in cases   era of personalized medicine and targeted therapy. In
            that were positive for both biomarkers. Interestingly,   fact, classical diagnostic and prognostic instruments,
            when we selected patients who received platinum-based   such as risk stratifi cation  tables, [109,110]  nomograms, [111,112]
            chemotherapy, the prognosis was signifi cantly worse for   and artifi cial neural networks, [113,114]  would undoubtedly
            those with MCT1- and CD147-positive tumors. Probably,   refi ne diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic decisions with
            MCT1 cooperates with CD147 in the promotion of    the inclusion of prognostic and predictive biomarkers.
            a chemoresistance phenotype and possibly, of other   Several studies have demonstrated the potential impact
            functions primarily attributed to CD147. In fact, it appears   of developing risk stratifi cation tools that combine
            that CD147 maturation is affected by MCT expression. [102]    clinicopathological and biological parameters. [101,115,116]
            Other authors have identifi ed CD147 expression in UBC   Moreover, it seems that integrating a molecular signature
            as an independent prognostic biomarker, [103,104]  and   of biomarkers inherent in different cancer hallmarks
            have additionally proposed it as a predictive biomarker   improves predictive accuracy over one biomarker
            in the setting of cisplatin-containing regimens. [104,105]    abnormality, as several biomarkers may help to elucidate
            Recently, one group [106]  demonstrated the independent   individual biological features of tumors. [14,101,117-120]  Our
            prognostic signifi cance of MCT1 and MCT4 in UBC.   previous study on a tumor aggressiveness scoring model,
            Those results led us to knock down CD147 expression   where we combined analysis of 2 clinicopathological
            in a UBC cell line with a cisplatin-resistant phenotype.   parameters, stage and grade, with 3 biological parameters,
            We found that CD147 depletion was accompanied by a   BVI, LVI, and CD147 overexpression, also corroborates
            decrease in MCT1 and MCT4 expressions, additionally   those premises [Table 1]. [101]  In fact, the recent genomic
            supporting its chaperone function. Notably, we also   profi le of UBC revealed a more complex picture
            found an increase in chemosensitivity to cisplatin.   than it was previously supposed, with multiple molecular
            To the best of our knowledge, this is the  fi rst study to   subclasses that traverse conventional grade and stage
            assess MCT expression and correlation with CD147   groupings. [76,121,122]   This leads us to believe that only an
            in UBC tissue from platinum-treated patients, and to   integrated clinicopathological and molecular signature
            characterize UBC chemosensitivity to cisplatin in vitro   will refi ne prognostication and therapeutic index for
            upon CD147 inhibition. Our fi ndings reveal a major role   UBC patients. Therefore, it is important to transpose tests
            of CD147 and companions in promoting progression   on small groups of patients to large-scale independent
            of a UBC-aggressive phenotype, with high glycolytic   validation assays, involving multiple institutions so that
            activity, contributing to microenvironmental acidifi cation.   prospective validations and randomized trials based on the
            This enables the malignant cell to demonstrate growth,   retrospective outcomes may then proceed.  As stated, [123]
            migration, invasion, and chemoresistance abilities   any newly proposed anticancer strategy must integrate a
            that can potentially be bypassed if new approaches of   personalized treatment outcome approach, ideally resulting
            targeted therapeutic intervention are investigated. Though   in a predictive cancer staging system orientated toward
            investigation of CD147 and its association with metabolic   the patient and the tumor, and a response evaluation
            remodeling and chemoresistance is still in a preliminary   system with multiple standardized variables.
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