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studies have shown that VEGF-C/D blockade suppresses   by univariate analysis. Nevertheless, high LVD was
            lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis, enhancing   signifi cantly associated with tumor aggressiveness. These
            UBC chemosensitivity. [46,47]   Therefore, there is no doubt   results have been corroborated by others. [58,59]  Moreover,
            that both blood and lymphatic vessels participate in   we observed that intratumoral lymphatic vessels seemed
            the metastatic process. Lymphovascular invasion (LI)   to cooperate actively in malignant dissemination by the
            has been identifi ed as an independent prognostic factor   presence of single-malignant cells in well-preserved
            for recurrence and OS. [48,49]   A recent meta-analysis   vessels [Figure 1b].  Although these vessels have been
            demonstrated that LI is an important selection criterion   described as collapsed and non-functional by others, [60,61]
            for early cystectomy in high-grade stage  T1 UBC.    in our series, there was a signifi cant proportion of cases
            Also demonstrated is that the LI status helps to stratify   where vessels with visible lumina were seen; edema
            N0 UBC patients at increased risk of UBC recurrence   was not observed, which would support a more effi cient
            and death.  Regardless of these important associations,   lymphatic fl ow. Accordingly, the presence of intratumoral
            LI occurrence is not included as a standard parameter in   lymphatic vessels was correlated with parameters of
            many pathology reports, mostly due to the lack of strict   UBC aggressiveness in one study,  and was identifi ed
            diagnostic criteria. [52,53]                      as a predictive factor of pelvic lymph node metastasis in
                                                              another. [59]
            In our research, in 83 UBC tissue sections, we used
            immunohistochemistry  (IHC)  (CD31  and   D2-40   Another result of our study was the validation of the
            antibodies) to assess BVD and blood vessel invasion   use of   IHC markers to separate blood and lymphatic
            (BVI), and lymphatic vessel invasion (LVI), respectively   vessels. Its usefulness was particularly important in the
            [Table 1].  Regarding angiogenesis occurrence,    detection of isolated malignant cells invading lymphatic
            although we observed an association between BVD and   capillaries [Figure 1b].  These cells, intravased in a
            parameters of UBC aggressiveness and progression, we   milieu that fl ows slowly and has a composition similar to
            did not fi nd a signifi cant infl uence on prognosis. In fact,   interstitial fl uid, have a higher survival probability when
            confl icting results exist, [38,55,56]  and it has been advocated   compared to the typical rigors of the blood.  LVI by
            that additional factors are necessary to determine the   isolated malignant cells was signifi cantly correlated with
            real impact of angiogenesis in UBC progression and   a poor prognosis.  The same association was observed
            dissemination.  In accordance, BVI occurred more   when considering BVI, but only when malignant emboli
            frequently in cases with high BVD and was identifi ed   were intravased [Figure 1a].  Thus, these parameters
            as an independent prognostic factor for OS.  The same   represent potential biomarkers of progression that can
            correlation was observed between LVD and LVI,     guide therapeutic regimes, and their routine evaluation
            although LVI was identifi ed as a prognostic factor only   is recommended by us and others. [53,54]  We  additionally

            Table 1: Major fi ndings of selected immunohistochemical studies on urothelial bladder cancer biomarkers
            Reference Cohort n Markers Cut-off              Impact on clinicopathological parameters and survival
            [54]    RC     83 BVD    ≥ 17.6 vessels         Quantifi cation of vessel density and identifi cation of lymphovascular
                              LVD    ≥ 8.8 vessels          invasion signifi cantly improved when using blood (CD31) and
                                                            lymphatic (D2-40) vessel markers. High LVD associated with tumor
                              BVI    Malignant emboli       aggressiveness. BVI and LVI signifi cantly lowered DFS and OS.
                              LVI    Isolated tumor cells   BVI remained an independent prognostic factor for OS.

            [75]    RC     76 p-mTOR ≥ 10% positive cells   p-mTOR expression decreased with increasing stage and was lost
                                                            from non-tumor to tumor urothelium. T3/T4 positive cases (n = 49)
                                                            had signifi cant worse DFS rate.
            [85]    RC     81 RKIP   ≥ 10% positive cells   RKIP expression associated with favorable clinicopathological
                                                            profi le. Loss of RKIP expression associated with LVI occurrence,
                                                            signifi cantly lowered DFS and OS, remaining independent
                                                            prognostic factor for DFS.
            [100]   RC and  114 MCT1   Percentage of immunoreactive MCT1, MCT4, CD147 expressions signifi cantly associated with
                    TUR       MCT4   cells*+intensity of staining    unfavorable clinicopathological parameters and poor prognosis. In
                              CD147  (positive score ≥ 4)   selected platinum treated-patients, OS was signifi cantly lower for
                                                            those with MCT1+CD147-positive tumors.
            [101]   RC     77 Scoring  ≥ 3 positive parameters  Model stronger in predicting prognosis than individual parameters,
                              model ‡                       remaining independent prognostic factor for DFS and OS. CD147
                                                            expression added signifi cant prognostic information to the model.
            *0: 0% of positive cells; 1: < 5% of positive cells; 2: 5-50% positive cells; 3: > 50% of positive cells;  0: negative; 1: weak; 2: intermediate; 3:
            strong;  scoring model: includes stage, grade, BVI, LVI, CD147 overexpression. BVD: Blood vessel density; BVI: Blood vessel invasion; DFS:
            Disease-free survival; LVD: Lymphatic vessel density; LVI: Lymphatic vessel invasion; MCT: Monocarboxylate transporter; OS: Overall survival;
            p-mTOR: Phospho-mammalian target of rapamycin; RC: Radical cystectomy; RKIP: Raf kinase inhibitor protein; TUR: Transurethral resection
                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July 15, 2015 ¦        59
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