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Topic: Neuroendocrine Tumors

            Circulating neuroendocrine tumors biomarkers. Why? When? How?
            Suggestions for clinical practice from guidelines and consensus

            Paola Razzore , Giorgio Arnaldi 2
            1 SC Endocrinologia, AO Ordine Mauriziano, 10128 Turin, Italy.
            2 Clinica di Endocrinologia e Malattie del Metabolismo, AOU Ospedali Riuniti, 60100 Ancona, Italy.
            Corresponding Author: Dr. Paola Razzore, SC Endocrinologia, AO Ordine Mauriziano, Largo Turati 62, 10128 Torino, Italy.

                                                     A B S T R AC T
             Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NETs) are rare tumors that are increasing in incidence. NETs are characterized by heterogeneous
             biological behaviour, clinical presentation and course. A sensitive and specific diagnostic and prognostic circulating biomarker
             useful for all sites, grading and staging of neuroendocrine tumors is still an unmet need. The aim of this article was to review
             current neuroendocrine and oncologic scientific society guidelines and position statements, and propose recommendations for
             the most frequent clinical practice queries on circulating neuroendocrine tumors biomarkers. The authors searched for NCCN,
             NANETS, ESMO, ENETS, UKINETS, AME management guidelines or position statements available from PubMed up to 7th
             January 2016. From these results we chose guidelines or position statements published by scientific societies or institutions in
             USA, Europe and Italy with recognized expertise in neuroendocrine tumor patient management. The authors present suggestions
             for clinical practice based on this analysis.

             Key  words:  Neuroendocrine  tumors;  neuroendocrine  markers;  neuroendocrine  management;  chromogranin  A;  guidelines;
             clinical practice

            INTRODUCTION                                      values needs to be carefully  considered with respect to
                                                              the clinical presentation and other putative diagnoses. [5,6]
            Neuroendocrine  tumors (NETs) are rare but have  been   Many different  diagnostic  and  therapeutic  approaches
            increasing  in  incidence.  NETs are  characterized  by   are reported in real life NET manage-ment according to
            heterogeneous biological  behavior, clinical  presentation,   different physician expertise, accessibility  of medical
            and course. NETs arise from neuroendocrine  cells   care in different countries, and financial reimbursement.
            aggregate  in  classical  endocrine  glands  --  like  adrenal,   Translation  of guidelines  and  consensus into  clinical
            pituitary  and parathyroid -- but also in the diffuse   practice  is  often  difficult  because  suggestions  are  not
            neuroendocrine system (DNES).                     always universally applicable.

            An early  diagnosis is crucial  since  lower survival  was   The aim of our paper was to review current neuroendocrine
            demonstrated  in patients  with metastatic  disease.    and  oncologic  scientific  society  guidelines  and  position
            However an interval of many years is reported from earliest   statements  and  provide  recommendations  for  the
            symptoms to diagnosis. Symptoms are often nonspecific   most frequent clinical  practice  queries on circulating
            and  do  not  lend  themselves  to  identifying  the  specific   neuroendocrine tumor biomarkers.
            underlying  tumor. In addition, clinical  presentations
            are protean and mimic a variety of other non-neoplastic   We searched the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
            diseases.  Many specialists may be individually involved   (NCCN), North  American  Neuroendocrine  Tumor
            from earliest signs and symptoms but a multidisciplinary   (NANETS), European Society of Medical  Oncology
            team  may be the  most successsful approach  to reduce   (ESMO), European Neuroendocrine  Tumor Society
            time  latency  from symptoms to diagnosis and improve
            overall survival.  In this context the choice of circulating   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
            neuroendocrine  biomarkers  and  interpretation  of  these   Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                                                              others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
                                                              the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical
                            Access this article online        terms.
               Quick Response Code:                           For reprints contact:
                                                                How  to  cite  this  article:  Razzore  P,  Arnaldi  G.  Circulating
                                                                neuroendocrine tumors biomarkers. Why? When? How? Suggestions
                                                                for clinical practice from guidelines and consensus. J Cancer Metasta
                                  DOI:                          Treat 2016;2:348-56.
                                                                Received: 08-02-2016; Accepted: 18-07-2016
                                                                                              ©2016 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Published by OAE Publishing Inc.
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