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RTH was applied to the gross tumor volume with 2-3 cm   Table 1: Patient characteristics
           margin for the clinical  target volume. Radiotherapy  was   Total patients                30
           carried out using linear accelerator with 6-15 MV photons.   Age in years, median (range)  52 (30-69)
           Gemcitabine was administered at a fixed dose of 175 mg/m²   Gender
           by intravenous infusion starting 24 h prior to radiotherapy   Male                     22 (73%)
           in the first week and then once weekly before RTH for the   Female                      8 (27%)
           whole duration of the radiotherapy. Toxicities were graded   ECOG performance status,   1 (0-2)
           using the NCIC-CTG expanded common toxicity criteria.   median (range)
           Evaluation during protocol treatment included history and   Pathology
           physical  examinations  (including  full  clinical  neurologic   Anaplastic Astrocytoma  8 (27%)
           examination),  biochemical  profiles;  and  imaging  studies.   Glioblastoma multiforma  22 (73%)
           Contrast-enhanced  (gadolinium-DTPA) MRI of the brain   Surgical procedure
           was uniformly adopted for tumor assessment and evaluation   Subtotal resection         10 (33%)
           of  response.  Baseline  MRI  examination  was  performed   Biopsy                     20 (67%)
           24-48 h after surgery and then within 1 week prior to the   ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
           start of the experimental treatment, 4 weeks after the end
           of chemo-radiotherapy and every 8 weeks thereafter until   Table 2: Treatment response
           evidence of disease progression. Toxicity assessments were   Response          Patient number (%)
           done weekly during the radiotherapy and then one month
           from the end of the treatment then every 2 months or when   Complete response (CR)    1 (3)
           clinically indicated. Toxicity was graded according to NCI-  Partial response (PR)   5 (17)
           CTC version 3.0.  Response was assessed using standard   Stable disease (SD)         13(43)
           Macdonald  criteria,  but  patients were  not  considered   Progressive disease (PD)  11 (37)
           to have had complete or partial responses unless clinical   Disease control rate (CR+PR+SD)  19/30 (63)
           neurologic  assessment  was improved  or  stable.  Patients   Tumor response rate (CR+PR)  6/30 (20)
           were monitored until death.

           The duration of response was calculated from the first day
           of treatment  to the date of progression for patients  who
           achieved  complete or partial  response. Progression-free
           survival, analyzed by Kaplan-Meier method including 95%
           CI, was defined as the period of time elapsed from the first
           day of treatment to the date of disease progression, relapse
           or death from any cause. Overall survival was defined as
           the interval from the first day of study treatment to the date
           of patient  death.  The  survival  curves  were  estimated  by   Figure 1: (a) MRI in T1 after Gd-DTPA infusion in axial plane shows an
           the Kaplan-Meier product-limit method. The SPSS (11.0)   area of enhancement in GBM in the left parietal area; (b) MRI performed 1
           statistical program was used for analysis.         year after the end of chemo-radiotherapy shows a dramatic response of the
                                                              tumour T1 axial plane after Gd-DTPA infusion. MRI: magnetic resonance
                                                              imaging; GBM: glioblastoma multiforme
           From April 2009 to April 2011, thirty patients were enrolled.
           Table 1 shows the characteristics of patients entered on the
           study. Of the 30 patients included in the analyses, 8 were
           female and 22 male, with a median age of 52 years (range
           30-69). Patients had an ECOG performance status range
           0 to 2. There were 8 patients with anaplastic astrocytoma,
           and 22 with glioblastoma multiform.
                                                              Figure 2: (a) PFS at a follow up of 18 months. The median PFS was 7.9 months
           Outcome                                            (95% CI 6.1-9.7); (b) analysis of OS for 18 months, median OS was 11.8 months
                                                              (95% CI 10.0-13.6). PFS: progression free survival; OS: overall survival
           All  patients  received  concomitant  dexamethasone,  while
           anti-convulsant treatment was given on demand. All the   of 63% [Table 2] [Figures 1 and 2]. At a median follow up
           patients completed the chemoradiotherapy treatment. Six   of 18 months median time to progression was 7.88 months
           patients responded to the treatment (20%) and 13 patients   (95% CI 6.1-9.69) and overall survival was 11.77 months
           had stable disease (43%) for an overall disease control rate   (95% CI 9.97-13.56). According to the histology Grade 3

                                                                                                                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 18, 2016 ¦
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