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            Special Issue

            Brain tumor cell invasion and metastasis:
            anatomical, biological and clinical considerations

            Guest Editors:                    Special Issue Introduction
            Prof. Michael A.                  As cancer is a global epidemic which knows no borders, efforts
            Grotzer                           to better understand biology and to control it should know no

            Department of Oncology,           borders either. This issue contains a mixture of clinical and
                                              preclinical scholarly articles that have been written by scientists
            University Children's
            Hospital of Zurich,               from America, Europe, and the Middle East. I hope that the fresh
                                              insights represented here will be appreciated by neuro-
            Steinwiesstrasse 75, Zurich
            8032, Switzerland.                oncologists and brain cancer researchers across the
                                              translational spectrum.
                                                Open Access: the full-text of each published article can be
                                                accessed and downloaded from the journal website without
                                                any fee.
                                                Free of Charge: we strictly follow international guidelines
                                                (COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) and ensure
                                                rigorous peer review process.
                                                Worldwide Readership: the readers of the journal are from
                                                more than 167 countries worldwide.
                                                Wide Promotions: all published articles will be promoted on
                                                academic conferences, social networks for scientists or other
                                                various channels.

                                              245 E Main Street ste122, Alhambra, CA 91801, USA;
                                              Tel:+1 323 9987086;  journal/special_detail/68
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