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Page 4 of 12        Feuer et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:68

               Table 1. Summary of metastasectomy outcomes by metastatic site
                Site   5-year OS             Favorable features      Unfavorable features
                Lung [13-17]  39.9%-62.5%    • DFI > 23 months       • Age > 70
                                             • < 3 metastases        • Higher primary tumor stage/grade
                                             • Small volume metastases (< 4 cc)
                Bone [18-25]  11%-48%        • Solitary metastases   • Sarcomatoid differentiation
                                             • Bone-only metastases   • Concurrent non-bone metastases
                                             • Clear-cell histology  • Alkaline phosphatase > 1.5× the upper limit of normal
                                                                     • CRP increase by > 0.3 mg/dL
                                                                     • Pelvic metastases
                   [26-29]               [29]
                Liver  43%-62% (29% 2-year OS)  • Metachronous metastases   • Synchronous metastases
                                             • *Solitary metastases  • Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score > 0
                                                                     • High-grade histopathology
                Brain  8.5%                  • NA                    • NA
               *Noted to be beneficial in one study, no benefit in another. DFI: Disease free interval; CRP: C-reactive protein; OS: overall survival; NA: not

               A recent descriptive study demonstrated that men were four times more likely to harbor bone metastases.
               Lesions had a predilection for axial bone and the incidence of severe events, including pathologic fracture,
               was nearly 55%. Shorter time to bone metastasis, older age, multiorgan metastases, and carbonic anhydrase
               expression loss were associated with poor prognosis. Huang et al.  noted a median overall survival of 45
               months for patients with favorable risk factors and 32 months for patients who were deemed unfavorable

               Kollender et al.  retrospectively analyzed 45 patients with solitary bone metastases and either intractable
               pain or impending/current pathologic fracture who underwent surgical intervention. The authors noted
               significant pain relief and good functional outcomes in approximately 90% of patients. Overall, half of the
               patients survived more than 2 years, and 38% survived more than 3 years .
               Higuchi et al.  evaluated survival in 58 patients who underwent surgical intervention for either solitary or
               multiple bone metastases at a single institution. Amongst the cohort, metastases were noted in the spine in
               33 patients, in the appendicular skeleton in 10 patients, in the pelvis in 8 patients, in the thoracic bones in
               four patients, and in soft tissue in 3 patients. Forty-six patients underwent metastasectomy, and 12 patients
               underwent curettage. The authors noted an 89% overall survival at 1 year, 62% overall survival at 5 years,
               and 48% overall survival at 10 years. The median overall survival for patients undergoing metastasectomy
               was 127 months, and for curettage was 54 months. Of note, pelvic metastases were associated with shorter
               median overall survival .

               A study by Lin et al.  retrospectively assessed 295 consecutive patients with bone metastases treated at a
               single institution. Surgical interventions included curettage, en bloc resection, closed nailing, or amputation.
               The authors noted an overall survival of 47% and 11% at 1 and 5 years, respectively. They reported that
               patients with solitary metastases had the most favorable outcomes, and that patients with bone-only
               metastases had a favorable prognosis relative to patients with additional extraosseous metastases.
               Furthermore, clear-cell histology was associated with an improved prognosis. Notably, 5% of patients died
               within 30 days of surgery .
               Ptashnikov et al.  recently conducted a retrospective review of 100 patients with spinal mRCC.
               Metastasectomy was performed in 39 cases while 61 patients underwent decompression procedures with
               stabilization-only, analyzing pain, neurologic status, overall and progression-free survival. Of these patients,
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