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Page 12 of 19        Corn et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:41

               cells [108,109] . This increased expression of GLUT transporters in both BRAF and PTEN mutated phenotypes
               may give credence to the observation of PET-detected thyroid incidentalomas exhibiting more aggressive
               behavior. Notably, in a study of malignant PET-detected thyroid lesions not selected for PTEN loss by
               Kim et al. , there was overall a low degree of GLUT-1 and GLUT-3 expression but a high level of VEGF
               expression. Consistent results were reported by Ohba et al.  in a study of benign PET-detected thyroid
               incidentalomas that were found to have a higher degree of vascularity than benign thyroid nodules not
               exhibiting FDG uptake.

               Mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are exhibited in nearly 50% of all cancers yet are identified in
               only 10% of thyroid cancers . In a retrospective study of patients with PET-detected thyroid cancers, 86%
               of those that underwent operation were found to express p53 mutations, and this was not related to
               SUV max [42] . The significance of this finding is not yet known.

               Fine needle aspiration yields indeterminate results in 15%-30% of patients , which may persist after repeat
               FNAC. Molecular diagnostic tests such as Afirma , ThyroSeq [115,116] , and ThyGeNEXT/ThyraMIR  have
               been developed to differentiate this indeterminate category, yet the utility of these tests is unclear in a
               population selected for FDG avidity. In a study utilizing Afirma Gene Expression Classifier (GEC) or
               Genome Sequence Classifier (GSC) profiling in thyroid PETomas with indeterminate cytology,
               Endo et al.  found that 28.6% of these nodules were predicted malignant per Afirma GEC/GSC compared
               to a 36.4% rate of malignancy in histologically proven nodules. The benign call rate (BCR) was significantly
               higher in patients with low-risk ultrasound features (83.3%) vs. 29% in intermediate- or high-risk ultrasound
               features (P = 0.026). The higher BCR with Afirma GSC (64%) may indicate that surgical intervention can be
               safely avoided or delayed in these patients.

               Clinical  guidelines  for  the  management  of  thyroid  nodules  in  the  general  population  are  well
               established [119,120] . Given that most PET/CT imaging is pursued to evaluate another malignancy that may
               limit life expectancy, it is difficult to determine if these guidelines should apply to this population. Thyroid
               cancer is associated with an excellent prognosis, with overall 10-year survival rates of differentiated thyroid
               cancers exceeding 90%-95% . For example, in patients that underwent cytologic diagnosis of an incidental
               thyroid cancer, the risk of death from thyroid cancer was < 1% . Studies of active surveillance of low-risk
               papillary microcarcinomas (cytologically confirmed PTC with nodule diameter ≤ 1 cm without high-risk
               features) have shown safety with this approach. In this review, only 7%-8% of observed nodules increased in
               size, and there were no instances of recurrence or death following salvage surgery . Contrary to this,
               Are et al.  suggested that incidentalomas are associated with a poorer prognosis due to a higher rate of
               unfavorable pathologic features such as tall cell variant, poor differentiation, and extrathyroidal extension.
               Data from our institution identified a 30% rate of poor prognostic features in these patients .

               Although most thyroid carcinomas are associated with an excellent prognosis, it does seem prudent that
               each incidentally discovered thyroid lesion be carefully evaluated for risk factors that may elucidate the
               relevance of such lesions. Review of prior images should be conducted to evaluate the evolution of the noted
               lesion over time . In addition to the previously mentioned features, PET scans may reveal signs of lateral
               lymph node metastases , which is associated with a poorer prognosis [124-126]  and is key for developing
               adequate surgical plans should this route be pursued . Other features contributing to malignancy risk
               include younger age [19,128] , male gender [128,129] , childhood radiation exposure [130,131] , and family history of
               thyroid cancer .
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