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Morgan et al.                                                                                                                                                            HOX genes and the tumor microenvironment

           Table 1: Direct and indirect regulation of target genes   is also associated with more aggressive behavior of
           by HOX transcription factors in the context of the tumor   prostate cancer bone metastases . Correspondingly,
           microenvironment                                   integrin antagonists have been shown to reduce bone
                                       Direct or              degradation in clinical trials .
            HOX protein  Target gene   indirect   Reference
                                      regulation              HOX TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS AND
            HOXA1          MMP-3       Unknown      [63]
            HOXA1           Snail      Unknown      [63]      ANGIOGENESIS
            HOXA1         E-cadherin3  Unknown      [63]
            HOXA3          MMP-14      Unknown      [62]      Angiogenesis is a fundamental event in the natural
            HOXA9           eNOS        Direct      [99]
            HOXA9          VEGFR2       Direct      [99]      history of tumors, allowing for their growth beyond
            HOXA9         VE cadherin   Direct      [99]      a size restricted by the diffusion limits of nutrients
            HOXB7          MMP-9       Unknown      [58]      and oxygen, and ultimately their systemic spread
            HOXB7        Angiopoietin-1  Unknown    [58]                         [81]
            HOXB7           FGF2        Direct     [58,85]    to form metastases . HOX transcription factors
            HOXB7          VEGFA       Unknown      [58]      have multiple roles in regulating the secretion of
            HOXB7          CXCL1       Unknown      [58]      factors from tumor cells that drive this process in the
            HOXB7            IL8       Unknown      [58]
            HOXC11         MMP-2        Direct      [57]      microenvironment, and are also expressed in the cells
            HOXC11         MMP-8        Direct      [57]      of the tumor microvasculature in which they promote
            HOXD3        Integrin beta 3  Indirect  [75]      tumor-supportive functions. For the latter, HOXD3 has
            HOXD3           uPA        Unknown      [100]
            HOXD3       Integrin alpha 5   Direct   [82]      been shown to be particularly significant as it drives
                            beta 1                            the expression of integrin alpha 5 beta 1 in endothelial
                                                              cells which in turn leads to immature, leaky vessels
           its ability to degrade collagen . Accordingly, LNCaP   that are typical of many tumor types . Conversely,
           cells overexpressing  MMP-14 were shown to  form   HOXA5, the expression of which results in more stable
           significantly larger bone lesions in mice . MMP-14 has   and less permeable vessels, is absent from tumor
           been shown to be upregulated by HOXA3 expression ,   vessels [83,84] . Within tumor cells in has been shown that
           and HOXA3 is overexpressed in a number of cancers,   a number of HOX transcription factors can drive the
           including prostate cancer . Another HOX gene linked   expression of proangiogenic secretory factors. One of
           to  the  progression of  prostate cancer is  HOXA1,   the earliest identified examples of this is HOXB7, which
           the expression of which promotes the proliferation,   drives fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2, also known as
           invasion and metastasis of prostate cancer cells . A   bFGF) expression in multiple cancer types [58,85] . FGF2
           number of key downstream  target genes of HOXA1    is a well characterized proangiogenic factor, and has
           have  been  identified,  including  MMP-3,  which has   been shown to induce tubule formation by endothelial
           itself been  linked  to prostate tumor progression  in a   cells when secreted from a prostate tumor in a rat
           number of studies [68-71] , and polymorphisms  in the   model of this disease . In addition to FGF2, HOXB7
           MMP-3 gene have been identified as a risk factor for   drives the expression of vascular endothelial growth
           the development of prostate cancer .               factor A (VEGFA), C-X-C motif ligand 1 (CXCL1), and
                                                              interleukin 8 (IL8) . A role for IL8 in angiogenesis
           In addition to the  MMPs, HOX transcription factors   and its potential as a therapeutic target in cancer was
           regulate a number of other target genes involved in   demonstrated using fully-humanized antibodies to this
           the interaction of prostate cancers cells with the ECM.   protein in a mouse model of melanoma , and it was
           These include HOXA1, which inhibits the expression   subsequently shown that IL8 increases expression of
           of E-cadherin , a major component of the epithelial   the key proangiogenic ligand VEGF in endothelial cells
           adherence junctions that mediate intercellular     resulting in a self-reinforcing, autocrine loop through the
           interactions .  The downregulation of E-cadherin   VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expressed on the surface
           expression is one of the changes that occurs during   of these cells . Correspondingly, polymorphisms
           the epithelial to mesenchymal transition, the activation   in the  IL8 gene were shown to be associated with
           of which in cancer cells is a key step in tumor invasion   more aggressive prostate cancer . CXCL1 is also a
           and metastasis . The loss of E-cadherin also results   proangiogenic cytokine and has a potential role in the
           in  the  disruption  of  the  cytoplasmic  cell  adhesion   development of tumor resistance to anti-VEGF based
           complex, releasing proteins that can further modify   therapy , and in gastric cancer has been shown to
           the tumor microenvironment . Another protein with a   promote tumor growth through the VEGF pathway .
           key function in cell adhesion is integrin β3, elevated   Correspondingly, the down regulation of CXCL1 has
           expression of which is positively associated with high   been shown to mediate the enhancement of the
           levels of HOXD3 expression . Integrin β3 has a role in   antiangiogenic effects of docetaxel by dexamethasone
           tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis [76-78] , and   in  in vitro and  in vivo models of prostate cancer .
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