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Morgan et al.                                                                                                                                                            HOX genes and the tumor microenvironment

           mutations in either their reading frame or regulatory   include  the  menstrual cycle   and the  differentiation
           regions,  and  one  of  the  most  notable  examples  of   of mesenchymal stem cells . Over the last 20 years
           this  are  the  HOX  genes . The  HOX  genes  encode   it has become  increasing  clear that  HOX genes  are
           transcription factors that are characterized at the   also very highly  dysregulated, and usually  strongly
           protein level by a highly conserved DNA-binding    over expressed  in a wide  range of haematological
           domain, known as the homeodomain, and their        and solid malignancies  compared to  the cells form
           expression defines the identity of cells primarily along   which these cancers originate [19,20] .  The  HOX  genes
           the anterior to posterior axis of the embryo, both in   have multiple functions in cancer, and can act both as
           the main body and within organs and appendages .   tumor suppressors and oncogenes. Examples of the
           Mammals have 39  HOX genes that are organized      former include HOXA5, which can promote expression
           in 4 distinct chromosomal clusters named A, B, C,   of the p53 tumor suppressor protein , and HOXC12,
           and D. The HOX genes are named on the basis of     which promotes  cellular differentiation in follicular
           which  cluster they are  found  in,  and  their  position   lymphoma . However, the majority of reports indicate
           within the cluster. Thus for example HOXB1 is the 3’   that HOX genes have a pro-oncogenic role, including
           most member of the HOXB cluster, and its immediate   functions that support tumor growth and invasion such
           5’ neighbor  is consequently named HOXB2 .         as angiogenesis, metastasis, and immune evasion .
           The clusters arose through multiple duplication    At the cellular level, a generalized role for many HOX
           events during the evolution of vertebrates, and    proteins in cancer appears to be to prevent apoptosis
           consequently  HOX genes at equivalent positions    by  inhibiting  cFos [24-27]   and  dual  specificity  protease
           within each cluster (e.g.  HOXA1,  HOXB1,  HOXC1,   1 (DUSP1) expression [26,28,29] .  DUSP1 is a tumour
           and HOXD1) share high levels of sequence identity   suppressor gene , and whilst  cFos is generally
           beyond the conserved homeodomain region, and are   considered to  be a  protoncogene, cFos  protein can
           referred to as paralogues . The sharing of enhancer   also induce apoptosis through the activation of the cell
           regions  within  clusters  confers  unusual  regulatory   death ligand, FAS1 [31-35] .  Additional cellular functions
           properties on HOX genes, whereby the 3’ members    of individual HOX proteins include DNA repair  and
           are  expressed  earlier  in  development  (temporal   the regulation of the cell cycle . It has also become
           collinearity) and more anteriorly (spatial collinearity)   apparent that the HOX genes function to modify the
           than their 5’ neighbors .                          tumour microenvironment, and it is this aspect of their
                                                              biology that we focus on here.
           HOX proteins can bind as monomers to DNA,
           although  the  affinity  and  specificity  of  binding  are   HOX GENES IN PROSTATE CANCER
           considerably  increased  through  an  interaction  with
           other homeodomain-containing transcription factors   The role of  HOX  genes in prostate cancer has in
           including Pre-B-cell Leukemia Homeobox (PBX) and   general been more extensively studied than for other
           Myeloid  Ecotropic  Viral  Integration  Site  1  Homolog   solid malignancies.  HOXC4,  HOXC5,  HOXC6, and
           (MEIS) proteins . Of these, PBX can bind to HOX    HOXC8 have all been found to be highly expressed in
           proteins from paralogue groups 1-11 [10-12] , whilst MEIS   lymph node metastases , and HOXC6 and HOXC8
           binds to HOX9-13 proteins . Despite this increased   overexpression  has also been demonstrated in
           binding  specificity,  HOX  proteins  exhibit  high  levels   primary tumors . HOXC8 expression was also shown
           of functional redundancy in some contexts due to   to be higher in tumors with a higher Gleason score .
           extensive sequence identity between paralogue group   Of these 4 HOX genes, HOXC6 is reported to be the
           members and 3’ and 5’ neighbors .                  most highly upregulated in primary, metastasized, and
                                                              castrate-resistant prostate cancer, and the presence
           HOX gene expression  generally  reduces before     of HOXC6 RNA in urine might be a diagnostic marker
           birth and many adult  cells  show  either  low  levels  of   for prostate cancer and a potential monitoring tool for
           expression, or no expression. Exceptions include cells   disease progression , and was shown to distinguish
           that maintain  proliferative  capacity  in the adult, for   between  high and low grade prostate tumors with a
           example stem cells, and most notably hematopoietic   very high specificity when used in conjugation with a
           stem cells  (HSCs), which  are dependent  on the   second urinary marker, DLX1 . In addition, disrupting
           continued expression  of  HOXB4 for proliferation .    the interaction between HOX proteins and their PBX
           The subsequent  differentiation  of HSCs along     cofactor using  the competitive antagonist HXR9
           different lineages  and ultimately to  mature blood   causes  apoptotic  cell  death  in the prostate cancer-
           cells is also dependent  on distinct patterns of  HOX   derived cell lines LnCaP, DU145, and PC3, and was
           gene  expression . Other adult  processes  that are   shown to block the growth of PC3 tumors in a mouse
           known to be at least partly dependent on HOX genes   xenograft model .
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 6, 2017       279
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